强强联合项目推荐-10:法国ESSEC高商(数据科学与商业分析硕士)+ UC Berkeley(工程硕士)双学位项目

强强联合项目推荐-10:法国ESSEC高商(数据科学与商业分析硕士)+ UC Berkeley(工程硕士)双学位项目

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ESSEC高等商学院(法语:École supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales,英语:ESSEC Business School),意译为高等经济商业学院,简称ESSEC,是法国乃至于欧洲最顶尖的商学院之一。ESSEC于1907年创建于巴黎,目前有巴黎塞尔吉、巴黎拉德芳斯、亚太(新加坡)及摩洛哥拉巴四个校区。目前有来自全球80个国家近5000名全日制学生,并有500名经理人接受高层管理培训,其毕业生薪资列法国顶尖水平。

ESSEC是法国最顶尖的大学校之一,也是世界知名的商学院,常与巴黎HEC商学院,ESCP欧洲高等商学院并称为“巴黎三大高商”(法语:trois Parisiennes),是少数同时获得了商学院三重认证的商学院



伯克利加利福尼亚大学(英语:University of California, Berkeley;常用缩写:UC Berkeley或Cal),简称伯克利加大、伯克利加州大学,又常被译为加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校、加州大学伯克利分校、伯克利大学,是一所位于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山湾区伯克利市,世界著名的公立研究型大学。伯克利加大是加利福尼亚大学系统的创始大学,建立于1868年。泰晤世高等教育机构将伯克利连同哈佛大学、马萨诸塞理工学院、斯坦福以及英国的牛津剑桥列为六间世界最顶尖超级大学(英语:"Super Six Universities" )。在众多机构的排名中,伯克利位列全球大学排行前五名,是世界顶尖的公立大学之一。




一. 双学位项目介绍

ESSEC Business School has formed a partnership with the Fung Institute of Engineering Leadership at UC Berkeley College of Engineering and offers students a dual degree with the internationally-renowned Californian university. This course leads to both the ESSEC & CentraleSupélec Master in Data Sciences & Business Analytics degree and a Master of Engineering from UC Berkeley.

ESSEC商学院与加州大学伯克利分校工程学院的冯氏工程领导力研究所建立了合作关系,并为学生提供与国际知名的加州大学的双学位。该课程可同时获得ESSEC & CentraleSupélec的数据科学与商业分析硕士学位和加州大学伯克利分校的工程硕士学位。

This partnership will permit students with a scientific background to complete the 1-year Master of Engineering program from UC Berkeley (August to June) after the completion of the Master in Data Sciences and Business Analytics.


Students enrolled at ESSEC who wish to apply to the program will receive personalized coaching to complete their application file, and are eligible to apply for the MEng Opportunity Grant within the program application. All students admitted to this dual degree program are automatically considered for merit-based scholarships.

This dual degree offers increased career opportunities, in particular in the United States and in Silicon Valley. After receiving the degree, a residence permit for a two-year stay in the United States may be granted.



二. Data Sciences & Business Analytics (DSBA) - ESSEC & CentraleSupélec介绍

Fully hybrid between Data Sciences, Business Analytics & Digital Strategy. Students must master theory, methodology, uses and applications. 50% of students have a background in Engineering, Mathematics or Computer Science and 50% have studied Economics or Management before. Also, 50% have some professional experience. Students can take up to 18 advanced elective courses without limitations.


Ranked #4 worldwide and #2 in Europe by QS, the Master in Data Sciences & Business Analytics combines faculty resources of two of the most prestigious Business and Engineering Schools in Europe, ESSEC Business School and CentraleSupélec.


Official Master Degree, recognized and accredited by French Government. This gives privileged access to working visas in Europe and enables interested students to pursue doctoral studies.

Some top recruiters: Google, Amazon, Astra-Zeneca, Allianz, Criteo, Deloitte, EY, JP Morgan Chase, Boston Consulting Group, PwC, Artefact, Accenture, AXA, BNP Paribas, Palantir, L’Oréal, ENGIE, Orange, Bain & Company, Ekimetrics, Société Générale, Schneider Electric.



三. Master of Engineering Program - UCBerkeley 介绍

Taking a place at the forefront of today’s tech world requires an engineer to have more than just technical expertise. It demands an engineer who also has the management skills and business acumen to lead. Become that groundbreaking engineer by joining us here in the heart of the Bay Area and earn your Master of Engineering degree at one of the world’s top universities.


The Master of Engineering (MEng) program at UC Berkeley combines a breadth of topics in business and engineering management, applying them to a depth of study in your technical concentration.


The Berkeley Master of Engineering program curriculum integrates engineering coursework with classes in leadership and core management concepts. You will tackle industry challenges through case studies and your capstone project.



Degree requirements include 25 units of coursework in three areas: the core leadership curriculum, your technical specialty, and your capstone project. The curriculum follows our integrative and experiential model for engineering leadership education:


四. 申请及录取相关

1. 一般要求

  • Do you hold a degree in engineering, science, mathematics, statistics, business or economics from a top university/school?
  • Are you open-minded, problem solver and exhibit leadership potential?
  • Are you looking to immerse in subjects such as big data, AI, machine learning, coding languages?
  • Are you looking to combine technical and managerial skills to become an expert and a leader?
  • 你是否拥有一流大学/学校的工程、科学、数学、统计、商业或经济学学位?
  • 你是否思想开放,善于解决问题并表现出领导潜力?
  • 你是否希望沉浸在大数据、人工智能、机器学习、编码语言等科目中?
  • 你是否希望结合技术和管理技能,成为专家和领导者?

2. 英语要求


3. 申请轮次


4. Admission Process

You will need to provide:

- 1 Management test score -mandatory

- 1 English test score -mandatory. Exempted if the candidate has completed at least 3 years in a higher education program in English at a 100% English-speaking institution.


- 1个管理测试成绩--必须提供

- 1个英语测试成绩--必须提供。如果候选人在100%的英语院校完成了至少3年的英语高等教育课程,则可免试。


Master in Data Sciences & Business Analytics (DSBA) - ESSEC & CentraleSupélec

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编辑于 2022-11-21 06:39・IP 属地德国