




Ans. All HKICPA members, including Qualification Programme (QP) and non-QP qualified members, are exempted from the CIMA Certificate and all papers of the CIMA Professional Qualification (PQ) programme except Paper P3 (Risk Management) and the Strategic Case Study Exam. To be eligible for CIMA membership, they need to sit and pass Papers P3 and Strategic Case Study Exam of the CIMA PQ programme, have at least three years of practical experience as a management accountant recognised by CIMA and meet other standard membership application requirements of CIMA, e.g. be fit and proper and not subject to any adverse disciplinary findings or pending complaint or investigation.

HKICPA members who have successfully completed the Institute's Financial Controllership Programme are further exempted from Paper P3 (Risk Management) of the CIMA PQ programme. They need to sit and pass the Strategic Case Study Exam and meet other admission requirements mentioned above in order to qualify for CIMA membership.


Ans.Under the current membership admission requirements, in addition to the examination requirement, all membership applicants are required to satisfy the Institute's competency-based practical experience requirements before they are eligible for registration as a member of the Institute.

Practical experience acquired since 2005 must be obtained under the Institute’s Authorized Employer(s)/Supervisor(s) (AE/AS) complying with the Practical Experience Framework ("PEF") requirements,and such experience must be supported by a PEF training record ("PER") duly certified by the AE/AS in order to be counted for membership admission.

Please refer to our website www.hkicpa.org.hkfor the latest membership admission requirements.


Ans. Full members of CPA Australia (CPAA) in good standing who are registered as associate members (students) of CPAA in Australia or Hong Kong on or after 16 August 2004 and passed its CPA Program in Australia or Hong Kong, may apply for registration as a CPA under the mutual recognition agreement (“MRA”) between CPAA and HKICPA after satisfying all the conditions specified in the MRA. Please refer to our website www.hkicpa.org.hk for the latest information of the membership admission requirements. You may complete and return a preliminary assessment form to the Institute for our processing.

Q4. 我在内地,怎么报名,怎么完成capstone课程,内地或者其他国家工作经验可以用吗?

Ans. For the Capstone details, please await our announcement at a later stage.

Please note that candidates cannot use working experience for applying the exemption of QP. For the recognition of working experience from other places, please contact Practical Experience Team:pef@hkicpa.org.hk.


Ans.若想透过完成Qualification Programme(QP)成为HKICPA会员,请参阅︰



Q1. CIMA会员如何成为HKICPA会员?

Ans. Full members of Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) may apply for registration as a certified public accountant (CPA) with the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants under the agreement for mutual examination paper exemptions (MEPE). Please refer to www.hkicpa.org.hk/en/Membership/Registration-and-licensing/Members-and-Affiliates/Register-as-a-CPA/Join-as-a-Member-of-Another-Body/CIMA for details.



Ans. Members of Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) may apply for registration as a certified public accountant (CPA) with the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants under the agreement for mutual examination paper exemptions (MEPE) signed between the Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China and the Financial Services and Treasury Bureau of the HKSAR Government, provided that they meet all the requirements specified in the MEPE. Please refer to www.hkicpa.org.hk/en/Membership/Registration-and-licensing/Members-and-Affiliates/Register-as-a-CPA/Join-as-a-Member-of-Another-Body/CICPA for details.

All members who were admitted to HKICPA on or before 29 July 2008 and graduates of the Institute's Qualification Programme can enjoy exemption for four out of seven papers of the PRC CPA Uniform Examination of CICPA. Please refer to CICPA's website: cicpa.org.cn/exam/exam_ for details.

Q3. 如何申请豁免10个Associate level单元考试?

Ans. 请访问官网参阅︰

Q4. 公会承认的本科课程有哪些?

Ans. 请访问官网参阅︰

Q5. 请问如果在12月拿到学位证,8月拿到临时学位,可以用临时学位申请免考吗?

Ans. 申请者可提交学位证书或学校官方发出的完成学位证明信以作申请。另访问以下网址,留意其他申请免考的所需材料:



Ans. 请参考微问答第一期第2问。

Q2. CMA可以申请香港会计师公会的国际联系会员吗?

Ans. Under the Professional Accountants By-law 22A, full members of a full member body of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) are eligible to apply for registration as an International Affiliate (IA) of the Institute (香港会计师公会国际联系会员). No examination or practical experience is required for applying for such registration. At present, the Institute of Management Accountants is one of the IFAC member body, its member may apply for registration as an IA. Please visit our website at: hkicpa.org.hk/en/Member to get full details of the rights and benefits, registration requirements and application procedures of the IA.

Q3. 公会什么时候准备在中国内地开放所有的Associate level 考试?

Ans. As of now, we have no information to offer the entire Associate Level examinations in mainland China in a session. We consider offering more Associate Module examinations in mainland China for the December 2021 Session if considered necessary based on the enrollment of Associate Module examinations in the June 2021 Session.

Q4. 公会官网有Associate level相关学习资料及习题吗?请问新教材如何购买?

Ans. EBooks are available for Associate Level on New QP Learning Centre (Login required). On the other hand, you could access the eBooks on iOS and Android app with mobile devices.

Pilot Examination Papers and Past Papers are also provided for students’ reference.

扫描二维码,登录Learning Centre

Q5. QP是否有减免政策?

Ans. Under the new QP, students may obtain exemption up to a maximum of 10 modules at the Associate Level but no exemption will be awarded at the Professional and Capstone levels. Subject to the Institute’s qualification assessment, module exemption is based on the level and curriculum of the academic qualifications completed at the time of application for QP student registration, which must be awarded within the recent five years (i.e. the 5-year validity requirement).


The exemption fees charged are dependent on the number of exempted modules. Students might complete the non-exempted modules of the Associate Level by:

(a) Passed the examination of the relevant Associate module(s) administered by the Institute; and/or

(b) Obtained further exemption(s) by completing the Institute’s accredited award-bearing programmes/ conversion programmes after registration as a QP student.

Should you wish to apply for QP student registration, you should submit the online application under new QP and decide which Associate Module(s) you wish to apply for exemption. In this regard, you are required to conduct a self-assessment based on the competency level and syllabus coverage of the courses you have completed and upload all relevant supporting documents to substantiate your application. We suggest you reading the user guide before the application.

查看user guide:

Q6.有ACCA资格是否可以short cut获取资格?

Ans. For the mutual recognition agreement with ACCA, please visit our webpage:


Q1. 香港会计师公会的国际联系会员有什么权益?准入要求是什么, 如何申请?

Ans. The benefits and admission requirements of an IA can be found here: hkicpa.org.hk/en/Member

More details please refer to:

Q2. 哪些会计组织的会员可申请成为香港会计师公会认可雇主导师及认可监督(AE/AS)?(回答时间:2021年7月)

Ans. 目前,辖下会员符合香港会计师公会认可雇主导师及认可监督申请资格的会计组织已扩展至12个,包括:

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ)

Chartered Accountants Ireland (CAI)

Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA)

Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

Chartered Professional Accountants Canada (CPA Canada)

CPA Australia (CPAA)

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS)

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ)

South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)

U.S. CPA granted by relevant U.S. State Board of Accountancy

Q3. 大专学历可以报考QP吗?需要多少费用?

Ans. You may take reference on Q2. Q3. and Q15.:

And our fee schedule:

Q4. 我是自考生,预计9月份拿到专科毕业证, 可以报名QP吗?

Ans. You may take reference on Q2. Q3. and Q15.:

Q5. QP和新QP有什么区别, 怎么转新QP?

Ans. 关于现行QP与新QP内容、报名要求、单元目标和考试规则的详细对比,请参看新QP考核规则,你不可不知



Q1. 我本人已经获得澳大利亚CPA注册会计师资格,选修科目是TAX与AAA(audit),如果想获得HKICPA资格,还需要通过什么考试和工作经验要求?

Ans. 香港会计师公会 (以下简称「公会」) 与澳洲会计师公会 (即CPA Australia,以下简称"CPAA") 签有《互相认可协议》("MRA")。

如您在2004年8月16日后注册成为CPAA的注册学生(即Associate member),您必须在香港或澳洲注册及完成整个澳洲注册会计师课程("CPA Program") 方可依据MRA申请成为公会会员。



Q2. 美国注册会计师如何互换香港注册会计师/ AICPA报考通道

Ans. 请参阅NASBA/AICPA IQAB – Mutual recognition agreement between Hong Kong and U.S.︰

Q3. 我是CICPA、AICPA的持证人,想咨询通过何种途径可以更方便地成为香港注册会计师?

Ans. 香港会计师公会(以下简称「公会」)与若干会计师团体有不同程度的互认协议,详情可浏览网页:

Mutual Examination Paper Exemptions "MEPE" (相互豁免协议)

根据公会与中国注册会计师协会(CICPA)签订的相互豁免协议,通过中国注册会计师全国统一考试并全科合格的人员,在报读公会专业资格课程(即Qualification Programme "QP")时可以豁免基础级别(Associate Level) 的所有单元及专业级别(Professional Level) 的部份单元。在报读QP前,您需首先注册成为公会学员,并完成相关考试 (专业级别-Module 14 Taxation及最高级别-Capstone) 和达到有关工作经验的要求,便可申请成为公会会员。

有关注册申请截止日期、费用等可参阅本期推送头条,或直接发电邮至 students.reg@hkicpa.org.hk与公会教育及培训部作进一步查询。

Mutual Recognition Agreement "MRA" (互认协议)

现时公会与美国签有互认协议。在现有的互认协议下,所有美国执业证书持有人(即U.S. CPA license holder) 必须完成互认协议中的所有要求方可申请成为公会会员。AICPA资格并不能达到公会非执业会员的申请要求 若您已持有美国执业证书(即是U.S. CPA license) 并打算通过此协议申请成为公会会员,请填写初步评估表格及电邮至admission@hkicpa.org.hk,届时我们将提供会员详细申请步骤。



Q4. 请问应届毕业生在拿到学位证之前可以先凭在读证明和成绩单进行新QP认证吗?一般审计学本科能够认证多少门新QP?

Ans. Under the new QP, students may obtain exemption up to a maximum of 10 modules at the Associate Level but no exemption will be awarded at the Professional and Capstone levels. Subject to the Institute’s qualification assessment, module exemption is based on the level and curriculum of the academic qualifications completed at the time of application for QP student registration, which must be awarded within the recent 5 years (i.e. the 5-year validity requirement).

The exemption fees charged are dependent on the number of exempted modules. Students might complete the non-exempted modules of the Associate Level by:

(a) Passed the examination of the relevant Associate module(s) administered by the Institute; and/or

(b) Obtained further exemption(s) by completing the Institute’s accredited award-bearing programmes/ conversion programmes after registration as a QP student.

Should you wish to apply for QP student registration, you should submit the online application under new QP and decide which Associate Module(s) you wish to apply for exemption. In this regard, you are required to conduct a self-assessment based on the competency level and syllabus coverage of the courses you have completed and upload all relevant supporting documents to substantiate your application. Details about the new QP can be found on the Institute's website and you may read the user guide below before the application.

User Guide

Also, 在读证明 cannot certify that you have been awarded the degree.

Q5. 是否有中文考试?

Ans. Please note that English is the official language of Qualification Programme.


Q1. 请问中文考试取得的CMA能否申请国际联系会员?因为中文考试取得的CMA证书只能在IMA中国官网查到,美国官网查不到。

Ans. 根据《专业会计师条例》第22A条,只有在IFAC正式注册的会计团体的正式会员方可申请注册为香港会计师公会的国际联系会员(即"International Affiliate")。详情请扫描以下二维码,浏览公会网页:



Q2. 我是澳洲CPA,也是CIMA会员,可以直接申请HKICPA会员吗?

Ans. 公会与CPA Australia及CIMA签有不同程度的互认协议,详情请扫码浏览公会网页:

CPA Australia:


Q3. HKICPA考完后可转美国、新加坡吗?

Ans. 香港会计师公会Qualification Programme的毕业生,必须先取得公会会员资格,才可申请美国注册会计师执照。详情请浏览公会网页:



Ans. 目前香港会计师公会与AIA没有会员资格互认协议。

Q5. CICPA非执业会员报考HKICPA的相关事项/已有中国注册会计师资格,如何考取HKICPA?

Ans. Please note that in order to apply for QP student registration via the mutual exemption agreement between the HKICPA and CICPA, the applicants should obtain the Certificate of Completion (全科合格证) of PRC CPA Uniform Examination. The successful applicants would be exempted from Modules 1-13.

The applicants should hold CICPA Certificate of Completion and a recognized degree qualification (持任何专业的学士学位证书), then the applicants should send an online application at hkicpa.org.hk/en/Become. Assessment will only be started after receiving all required documents and the assessment result is expected to be announced within two months after receiving your documents.


Q1. 请问HKICPA与CICPA的豁免政策,需要完成HKICPA对工作经验的要求吗?

Ans. CICPA会员必须满足香港会计师公会网站列出的所有条件,包括工作经验要求, 方可向公会提交会员申请。查看详情:

Q2. 通过ACCA豁免得到HKICPA可以与CICPA互免吗?

Ans. 不可以。请扫码参阅ACCA常见问题部分第21条的答案:

Q3. 关于首选的入学资格,这个选择CICPA会员还是选择学位会有什么区别?

Ans. 如欲透过HKICPA与CICPA的相互豁免协议来注册为QP学生,申请QP学生注册时,入学资格请选择CICPA会员。否则,申请者可选择学位作入学资格以申请基础级别的豁免,并完成整个QP。



Q4. 如果毕业超过五年,是否还有机会获得associate level豁免?

Ans. 关于基础级别的豁免,请扫码参阅Q3 “基础级别豁免申请”。

Q5. 请问申请注册多久有结果?

Ans. 评估结果预计会在收到申请者提交申请及全部申请文件后的两个月内公布。

Q6. 宁波大学外语系可以报考QP吗?大连大学会计本科可以直接考香港CPA最后5门吗?

Ans. 不论申请人主修专业是否会计,我们都须先按每个申请进行独立评审,以决定申请人是否符合资格注册为QP学生。QP的入学要求,请扫码参阅︰

QP分为3个阶段,分别是Associate Level (即Modules 1-10)、Professional Level (即Modules 11-14)及Capstone Level。如学历符合要求可申请Associate Level首10个单元的部分/全部豁免, 有关基础级别的豁免,请扫码参阅Q3 “基础级别豁免申请”。有关公会认证院校及专业,请参阅如下:


Q1. AAIA全权会员能申请HKICPA会员吗?

Ans. 不可以。详情请浏览公会网页:

Q2. 是否有继续教育或年检?

Ans. 根据香港《专业会计师条例》,香港会计师公会会员必须遵守公会的持续专业发展要求。详情请查看:

Q3. 澳洲CPA怎么转成香港CPA?/ 我有澳大利亚CPA资质,想报考香港CPA,请问具体报考流程,以及互免科目。

Ans. 香港会计师公会与CPA Australia签有互认协议,详情请查阅:

请填交初步评估表(Preliminary Assessment Form),让我们核实你是否适合根据此互认协议申请香港会计师公会会员资格。查看初步评估表:hkicpa.org.hk/-/media/H

Q4. 请问CICPA刚过,成绩已出,但是全科合格证要45天才能下来,能报考QP吗?

Ans. 如欲透过HKICPA与CICPA的相互豁免协议来注册为QP学生,申请人须通过CICPA全国统一考试并拥有全科合格证。

Q5. 是否有资格报名/如何报名QP?

Ans. 不论申请人主修专业是否会计,我们都须先按每个申请进行独立评审,以决定申请人是否符合资格注册为QP学生。

新QP分为3个阶段,分别是Associate Level (即Modules 1-10)、Professional Level (即Modules 11-14)及Capstone Level (Final Examination)。如学历符合要求可申请Associate Level首10个单元的部分/全部豁免,详情请见:https://www.hkicpa.org.hk/en/Become-a-Hong-Kong-CPA/New-QP。单元的豁免费用请参阅:hkicpa.org.hk/en/Become

如欲报考新QP,请往hkicpa.org.hk/en/Become 提交QP学生注册申请。学术评审只会在收妥文件后进行,由收妥文件算起预期需时两个月才会发出评审结果。

Q6. 学习的进程及考试的地点?

Ans. QP为自学形式应考,查看考试地点:


Q1. 请问HKICPA IA和会员到底有什么区别,有没有签字权?

Ans. 香港会计师公会国际联系会员享有与公会会员相若的权益,但并不包括竞选理事会成员、参与理事会选举投票及出席公会会员大会的权利,详情请浏览HKICPA国际联系会员,你了解吗?或访问香港会计师公会官网


认可会计工作经验是指在以下两类人士的办事处任职所获取的经验:(i) 持有公会签发的有效执业证书并执业的会计师;或 (ii) 于公会认可的会计专业组织管辖下从事执业会计师工作的人士。


• 通常在香港居住;


• 按《破产条例》的涵义并非现正或已破产或已与其债权人订立自愿安排的人士。

Q2. 毕业超过5年,是否还有机会获得Associate level豁免?

Ans. 毕业超过5年可以申请基础级别单元豁免。香港会计师公会资格考试委员会已决定取消申请基础级别单元豁免的 5 年新近要求。学生可凭公会认可的高等院校取得的学历申请基础级别单元豁免,学历获得时间不受任何限制

为更好地满足不同背景学生的学习需求,并与国际接轨,在公会认可的其他专业会计组织通过的相关考试科目可用于申请基础级别单元豁免。中注协是公会认可的专业会计组织之一。此安排仅适用于基础级别单元 1 至 9。有关详情,请访问公会网站:


Q3. QP专业阶段的四门考试,还要求五年内通过吗?

Ans. 因应疫情带来的各种变化,为QP学生的职业发展提供更大的灵活性,经过慎重考虑,公会资格考试委员会决定不为新QP引入最多四次应考限制规则。即学生将能够无限次应考QP的各单元考试及研讨会。不过,根据专业会计师附例第39条,自首次注册为QP学生之日起10年内未通过考试者,将从在册学生中除名。

Q4. 我想问一下,香港会计师公会的网站只有英文的吗?我想看中文的。

Ans. 目前香港会计师公会官网大部分网页均为英文,仅有少量网页为繁体/简体中文。

Q5. 澳洲CPA可以豁免Associate level吗?

Ans. 香港会计师公会与CPA Australia签有互认协议,详情请扫码浏览公会网页:

请填交初步评估表(Preliminary Assessment Form),让我们核实你是否适合根据此互认协议申请香港会计师公会会员资格。



Q1. ACCA和HKICPA的互免政策如何?ACCA已通过8门,即将进入P阶段考试,需要选P阶段的哪些考试才能与香港CPA互免?

Ans. 香港会计师公会与ACCA签有互认协议,详情请扫码浏览公会网页:

请完成所有ACCA考试后,填交初步评估表(Preliminary Assessment Form),让我们核实你是否适合根据此互认协议申请香港会计师公会会员资格。


Q2. 请问QP考试的时间表是?

Ans. 关于QP各单元考试及工作坊时间表,请参阅︰

Q3. 请问哪里可以查看专业资格考试报名系统--内地报读单元使用指南?

Ans. Qualification Programme (QP) 学生会于报考阶段收到我们公布的报考单元指南。

Q4. 12月中国注会通过综合阶段,已知道证书号,最早2022年2月拿到纸质证书。请问最早什么时候可以开始申请豁免和考试。是否有资料可以提前学习?

Ans. The learning materials are the assets and benefits for the registered QP students only, please note that there are no exceptions to allow non-students to access them.

Registered QP student with access right to New QP Learning Centre may reach the e-learning pack at the Institute's website hkicpa.org.hk > Members' area > Student Zone > New QP Learning Centre > Module 11 /12 /13/14 > Study Materials.

We provide online support to students by providing access to module study materials such as past years' examination questions and answers. Students can also refer to the Noticeboard in the QPLC regularly for the latest update regarding examinations.

Please note that all pages for New QP Learning Centre are login required.

Q5. 内地考生是否可以参加香港注会考试?如何高效复习,尽快通过考试? 是否有推荐的专业培训机构?

Ans. Please scan the below QR code and refer to our webpage for the entry requirements of the new Qualification Programme:

Under the new Qualification Programme (QP), students may obtain exemption up to a maximum of 10 modules at the Associate Level but no exemption will be awarded at the Professional and Capstone levels. Subject to the Institute’s qualification assessment, module exemption is based on the level and curriculum of the academic qualifications completed at the time of application for QP student registration.

Should you wish to apply for QP student registration, you should submit the online application under new QP and decide which Associate Module(s) you wish to apply for exemption. We suggest you reading the user guide before the application. Details about the new QP can be found on the Institute's website www.hkicpa.org.hk.

User Guide

Also, there is no recommendation on your selection of the training institutions.


Q1. CICPA免考后在香港参加1+1后获取的HKICPA可否换ACCA,CICPA免考后在内地参加1+1后获取的HKICPA,能否再参加一个IQEX换USCPA?

Ans. 不可以。详情请浏览公会网页:

Q2. 学术评审需要提交哪些资料/豁免QP单元考试需要准备哪些材料?

Ans. 申请免考的所需材料,请参阅:

Q3. QP毕业生是什么意思?QP毕业生如何注册会员

Ans. 详情请参阅学生手册的第5.2及第5.3条:查看学生手册:

Q4. 2021年考取的证书,未续费,请问怎么处理?

Ans. 请扫描下方二维码支付(支付路径:登录账户> Account Summary > Make a Payment)

Q5. 如何备考HKICPA,会有推荐的培训机构吗?

Ans. 请注意QP为自学形式应考,公会没有任何推荐的培训机构。您可以参看本公众号“QP专栏”系列文章,了解QP毕业生/HKICPA会员的备考经验。


Q1. CIMA associate 可以申请HKICPA豁免科目吗?/内地非财务专业学生通过全科ACCA考试可以豁免HKICPA associate level几门呢? / CPA Australia入会地点和考试地点在北京,如果申请不了会员互认,那么可以申请新QP课程免考吗?

Ans. 香港会计师公会与大部分"全球会计联盟"(Global Accounting Alliance, GAA)的成员团体签订会籍互认协议。跟从前所订立之互认协议一样,该等团体之合资格会员如想申请成为本会正式会员(CPA Membership),只需报考新QP个別科目(包括Professional 及Capstone Level)。不需报考的单元会显示为“N/A”。 至于其他与本会有互认协议但不属GAA成员的会计师组织(包括中注协,ACCA, CPA Australia, CIMA), 只需报考新QP個別科目, 惟最后仍须取得Capstone合格才可成为本会正式会员。关于本会对这些团体的特定要求,可扫码参阅详列于本会网页内的信息:

Q2. 其他职业会计资格在新QP中若有免考科目,在成绩单中分别对应的标记是什么?

Ans. 与公会有互认协议的会计团体之会员在需报考的单元会于成绩单上显示为“To be attempted”; 参与单元考试并通过后会于成绩单上显示为“P (Pass)”; 否则显示为“F (Fail)” 。不需报考的单元会显示为“N/A” 。

Q3. 本科毕业7年可以豁免基础级别考试吗?

Ans. 可以。香港会计师公会资格考试委员会已决定取消申请基础级别单元豁免的 5 年新近要求。学生可凭公会认可的高等院校取得的学历申请基础级别单元豁免,学历获得时间不受任何限制


Q4. 美国会计学硕士可以申请免考科目么?/我在2012年取得哈尔滨商业大学本科会计学专业,2015年取得澳洲迪肯大学的master of professional accounting,想问下考HKICPA可以免试几门,需要考哪几门?

Ans. 基于个人学历可以申请免考科目,申请人可获得Associate Level全部10个单元或部分单元考试豁免。具体科目需视乎公会的学术评审结果,获得的单元豁免会显示为“Z(Exemption)”。

Q5. 中注协非执业会员能否申请香港CPA互免?

Ans. 申请人如通过CICPA全国统一考试并拥有全科合格证,可透过HKICPA与CICPA的相互豁免协议来注册为Qualification Programme (QP) 学生。成功的申请人可获豁免QP单元1-13。


Q1. 通过CICPA全科合格证豁免QP单元1-13,考完剩下单元得到HKICPA证书后,是否还可以互认GAA其他成员的合格证,以及有互认协议的ACCA、CIMA等?

Ans. 通过CICPA全科合格证豁免考卷,考完剩下单元并完成实务经验要求,成为HKICPA会员后,可以互认部分其它GAA会计组织会员(视乎各会计组织不同具体要求),不可以互换ACCA,CIMA需要继续完成部分考卷,详情请浏览公会网页:

Q2. 请问21June 内地的workshop具体时间有了吗?

Ans. 请访问公会官网www.hkicpa.org.hk,随时掌握最新考试时间安排,访问路径Become a Hong Kong CPA-New QP-Timetable, 或码参阅:

Q3. 请问我今年将于上海财经大学本科毕业,于8月入学香港中文大学(沙田),目前想要报名HKICPA,请问需要准备哪些材料?/请问内地认证高校经管类专业想申请QP,有什么申请要求吗?/ 请问内地非会计专业本科毕业生报考hkicpa的条件是什么呢?

Ans. 不论申请人主修专业是否会计,我们都须先按每个申请进行独立评审,以决定申请人是否符合资格注册为QP学生。

新QP分为3个阶段,分别是Associate Level (即Modules 1-10)、Professional Level (即Modules 11-14)及Capstone Level (Final Examination)。如学历符合要求可申请Associate Level首10个单元的部分/全部豁免,豁免详情请参阅:

如欲报考新QP,请往https://www.hkicpa.org.hk/en/Become-a-Hong-Kong-CPA/New-QP/Application-and-Registration 提交QP学生注册申请。学术评审只会在收妥文件后进行,由收妥文件算起预期需时两个月才会发出评审结果。


Q4. 香港会计师公会内地办事处的联系方式?

Ans. 公会现设北京广州两个内地办事处,如需咨询,您可以发送邮件至china@hkicpa.org.hk,或致电如下号码:(发布日期:2022年5月)

北京办事处:(86) 10 6211 6628

广州办事处:(86) 20 3892 2362

Q5. 如果在内地找不到认可雇主,怎么完成三年实务经验要求?

Ans. 您可以参考HKICPA会员的专栏分享QP专栏 | 非执业HKICPA工作中关于审计那些事


Q1. 通过CICPA全科合格证豁免QP单元1-13,考完剩下单元得到HKICPA证书后,是否还可以互认GAA其他成员的合格证,以及有互认协议的ACCA、CIMA等?

Ans. 通过CICPA全科合格证豁免考卷,考完剩下单元并完成实务经验要求,成为HKICPA会员后,可以互认部分其它GAA会计组织会员(视乎各会计组织不同具体要求),不可以互换ACCA,CIMA需要继续完成部分考卷,详情请扫码浏览公会网页:

Q2. 请问21June 内地的workshop具体时间有了吗?

Ans. 请访问公会官网,随时掌握最新考试时间安排,访问路径Become a Hong Kong CPA-New QP-Timetable, 或直接点击:

Q3. 请问我今年将于上海财经大学本科毕业,于8月入学香港中文大学(沙田),目前想要报名HKICPA,请问需要准备哪些材料?/请问内地认证高校经管类专业想申请QP,有什么申请要求吗?/ 请问内地非会计专业本科毕业生报考hkicpa的条件是什么呢?

Ans. 不论申请人主修专业是否会计,我们都须先按每个申请进行独立评审,以决定申请人是否符合资格注册为QP学生。

新QP分为3个阶段,分别是Associate Level (即Modules 1-10)、Professional Level (即Modules 11-14)及Capstone Level (Final Examination)。如学历符合要求可申请Associate Level首10个单元的部分/全部豁免,豁免详情请扫码参阅:

如欲报考新QP,请往hkicpa.org.hk/en/Become 提交QP学生注册申请。学术评审只会在收妥文件后进行,由收妥文件算起预期需时两个月才会发出评审结果。


Q4. 香港会计师公会内地办事处的联系方式?

Ans. 公会现设北京广州两个内地办事处,如需咨询,您可以发送邮件至china@hkicpa.org.hk,或致电如下号码:

北京办事处:(86) 10 6211 6628

广州办事处:(86) 20 3892 2362

Q5. 如果在内地找不到认可雇主,怎么完成三年实务经验要求?

Ans. 您可以参考HKICPA会员的专栏分享QP专栏I非执业如何完成Member的经验认可


Q1. 请问CICPA怎么申请互免/我是CICPA想报名HKICPA,因为本科硕士非会计专业,请问我这里该怎么选?

Ans. 如欲透过HKICPA与CICPA的相互豁免协议来注册为Qualification Programme (QP) 学生,申请人须通过CICPA全国统一考试并拥有全科合格证。成功的申请人可获豁免QP单元1-13,申请QP学生注册时,入学资格请选择CICPA会员。


Q2. HKICPA有海外考点吗?

Ans. HKICPA目前设置考点的城市为香港、北京、上海、广州、珠海,暂无海外考点,关于每个考点的具体安排您可以参阅:

Q3. 中国大陆人员为CMA如何申请香港会计师公会的国际联系会员?

Ans. 请参看微问答第3期(附微信帖链接)第2问,具体申请步骤可参考:

Q4. 内地成人高等教育本科是否也同样具有豁免资格,其豁免科目是否与普通高等教育本科一致?

Ans. 公会将对每个申请进行独立评审,基于个人学历(视乎公会的学术评审结果)或在公会认可的会计专业考试中取得合格成绩均有机会获得豁免,如欲了解更多豁免细则,请访问公会专题页面:

Q5. 请问今年十二月份考试的话,申请QP(Accredited Programme)的截止时间是6.30吗?

Ans. 是的,QP课程每半年进行一次考试,考试时间设在每年的6月和12月。如需报考2022年12月期次考试,还未注册成为QP学员人士需在2022年6月30日(周四)前提交申请。更多细则您可以参考本期头条。注册成为QP学员:


Q1. HKICPA有证书吗,证书查询在哪里可以查到?

Ans. The Institute does not keep a copy of the membership certificate issued to individual member.

Q2. Workshop过了才能参加考试吗/如果新QP下的 workshops 合格了,但之后的笔试不合格要重考,下次可否只考笔试,相关合格了的 workshop 不再上课?

Ans. According to New QP Student Handbook Section 2.3.3 Module Assessment, completion of the Professional Level requires meeting the assessment criteria of the five full-day workshops (one introductory workshop plus four module workshops), as well as passing the examination in four Professional Modules.

No aggregate mark policy applies for workshops and examinations. Workshop and examination for each module are separately assessed.

Q3. 持有澳洲CPA资格申请认证香港HKICPA资格,认可的大学包括哪些? 申请认证时,对于澳洲CPA考试的地点有没有特殊要求?在澳洲、香港、大陆参加的澳洲CPA考试,是不是都可以?

Ans. At present, membership applicants who possess a degree awarded by an overseas university is required to go through the overseas degree assessment process. If your degree was acquired outside Australia, a degree assessment at a cost of HK$1,200 is required. In general, this degree assessment fee will be paid at the time of submission of student/ member application form to the Institute.

"Completion of the CPA Program offered by CPA Australia (CPAA) in Australia or Hong Kong" means sitting its examinations entirely in venues in Australia or Hong Kong and not anywhere else.

Q4. 豁免的课程,需要交考试费吗?

Ans. Associate Level豁免的课程无需交考试费,需要交Exemption fee每门450港币。更多细则请参考公会官网Fee Schedule页面

Q5. 我是一名就职于Big 4的Senior Manager,也是CICPA,希望报考今年12月的Module 14。我毕业于University of New Sales Wales,不属于accredited,是否还有机会参与评估并报名?

Ans. 公会将对每个申请进行独立评审,基于个人学历(视乎公会的学术评审结果)或在公会认可的会计专业考试中取得合格成绩均有机会获得豁免,如欲了解更多豁免细则,请访问公会专题页面

如欲透过HKICPA与CICPA的相互豁免协议来注册为QP学生,申请人需通过CICPA全国统一考试并拥有全科合格证。成功的申请人可获豁免QP单元1-13, 申请QP学生注册时,入学资格请选择CICPA会员。



Q1. 如果我有澳洲CPA证书,是否可以互免一定课程?

Ans. Full members of CPA Australia (CPAA) in good standing who are registered as associate members (students) of CPAA in Australia or Hong Kong on or after 16 August 2004 and passed its CPA Program in Australia or Hong Kong, may apply for registration as a CPA under the mutual recognition agreement (“MRA”) between CPAA and HKICPA after satisfying all the conditions specified in the MRA.

Scan the QR code to know more details:

Q2. 如何快速搜索公会注册的会计师事务所或本会会员/可以担任香港上市公司审计师的机构名单?

Ans. 您可以访问公会官网的香港注册会计师事务所名录。该名录是公会专为公众而设,具有搜寻功能的数据库,以便公众人士寻找于香港会计师公会注册的会计师事务所,配合个人或企业的业务需要。


如欲搜索本会会员,您可以扫码访问官网Membership List页面:

Q3. HKICPA海外认证学校有哪些?

Ans. 香港会计师公会的认证学校及专业请扫码查看:

Q4. 如果我通过了CICPA 最快的情况下我需要两年才能拿到HKICPA?一年考税法,一年考综合?

Ans. 申请人如通过CICPA全国统一考试并拥有全科合格证,可获豁免QP单元1-13。QP每半年进行一次考试,考试时间设在每年的6月和12月,因此最快的情况下通过QP考试无需两年。请注意QP graduate仍需符合要求的三年实务经验才可申请成为HKICPA会员。


Q5. 希望具体了解下德勤员工考HKICPA,具体的要求情况和需要考的科目、费用,CICPA过了两门。

Ans. 公会将对每个申请进行独立评审,基于个人学历(视乎公会的学术评审结果)或在公会认可的会计专业考试中取得合格成绩均有机会获得豁免,如欲了解更多豁免细则,请访问公会专题页面

如欲透过HKICPA与CICPA的相互豁免协议来注册为QP学生,申请人需通过CICPA全国统一考试并拥有全科合格证。成功的申请人可获豁免QP单元1-13, 申请QP学生注册时,入学资格请选择CICPA会员。

相关费用请扫码参考公会官网Fee Schedule页面:



Q1. 我想问一下关于商业个案比赛能否提供一下参赛证明

Ans. 进入大赛第二轮的队伍及其中每一位队员,均会获得证书以兹证明。

Q2. HKICPA国际联系会员非执业, 可以报名QP吗?

Ans. HKICPA国际联系会员来自不同的会计师组织。香港会计师公会与大部分"全球会计联盟"(Global Accounting Alliance, GAA)的成员团体签订会籍互认协议。跟从前所订立之互认协议一样, 该等团体之合资格会员如想申请成为香港会计师公会正式会员 (CPA Membership),只需报考新QP个别科目(包括Professional 及Capstone Level)。不需报考的单元会显示为“N/A”。

至于其他与公会有互认协议但不属GAA成员的会计师组织(包括中注协,ACCA, CPA Australia, CIMA), 只需报考QP个别科目, 惟最后仍须取得Capstone合格才可成为香港会计师公会正式会员。关于公会对这些团体的特定要求,可参阅详列于公会官方网页内的信息:

这些团体之会员在需报考的单元会于成绩单上显示为“To be attempted”; 参与单元考试并通过后会于成绩单上显示为“P (Pass)”; 否则显示为“F (Fail)” 。不需报考的单元会显示为“N/A” 。

Q3. 请问与英国或者加拿大CPA交换也是需要先成为会员吗?还是QP 毕业生就可以?

Ans. 需要先成为会员。作为全球会计联盟创始机构之一,香港会计师公会与英国、加拿大、澳洲、新西兰和南非的特许会计师公会等同为GAA成员,并与大部分GAA成员签订了会籍互认协议。这些世界顶尖会计师组织如:

澳大利亚及新西兰特许会计师公会 (CA ANZ)

爱尔兰特许会计师公会 (CAI)

加拿大特许专业会计师协会(CPA Canada)



南非特许会计师公会 (SAICA)


此外,香港会计师公会还与不属GAA成员的会计师组织(包括ACCA, CPA Australia, CIMA) 也有互认协议

Q4. 我已提交资料将近两周,请问何时审批完毕?

Ans. 评估结果预计会在收到申请者提交申请及全部申请文件后的两个月内公布。

Q5. 想问下HKICPA对大陆CPA的豁免是指针对香港考生吗?看到大陆这边的豁免申请表上还要填写香港身份证号

Ans. 如欲透过HKICPA与CICPA的相互豁免协议来注册为QP学生,申请人需通过CICPA全国统一考试并拥有全科合格证,对申请人为香港亦或内地考生无特别要求。成功的申请人可获豁免QP单元1-13


编辑于 2022-09-30 19:56