
雅思口语Part1新题:Environmental Protection (环境保护)

1. Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?

2. How can we protect the environment?

3. Do you think you’ve done enough to protect the environment?

4. Is there education about environmental protection at school?



保护环境preserve our environment

环保产品eco-friendly products

公共交通public transport

有害的影响hazardous effects


自然灾害natural disasters

拼车系统carpooling system

不可生物降解产品non-biodegradable products

二氧化碳 carbon dioxide

温室效应 greenhouse effect

排放废气与废物 emissions and exhaust fumes

人类活动 human activity

全球变暖 global warming

气温上升 rising temperatures

极地冰盖融化 melting of the polar ice caps

海平面上升 sea level rise

极端天气 extreme weather conditions

化石燃料 fossils fuels

枯竭 running out

破坏野生动物栖息地 destroying wildlife habitats

砍伐大量的热带雨林 cut down enormous areas of rainforest

大量珍稀动植物灭绝 the extinction of many species of animals and plants

制定法律 introduce laws

限制工厂排放 limit emissions from factories

可再生能源 renewable energy

征收环保税 impose green taxes

更加环保 greener

简易包装商品 products with less packaging

不可降解塑料包装 non-biodegradable plastics packaging

填埋场 landfill sites

丢垃圾 litter/dropping rubbish

过度包装商品 over-packaged products

垃圾分类 separate waste

削减碳排放 reduce carbon emissions


1. Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?

Yes, definitely, I love to do work in those organizations, which are working to save our environment. Therefore, I can not only handle my financial condition but also contribute to serve the environment from various issues such as global warming, all sorts of pollutions, deforestation and some natural disasters.

2. How can we protect the environment?

Well, there are several ways by which we can preserve our environment. First and foremost, it is the duty of individuals to say no to plastics. Secondly, we should plant more trees. On top of this, people should not only use eco-friendly products but also follow 3R's policy that is - reduce, reuse and recycle.

3. Do you think you’ve done enough to protect the environment?

Yes, I am environment conscious person. Actually, I have extrovert nature so I always stay active in social groups. With the help of this, I have planted trees in my hometown as well as made aware the individuals about environment hassles. I use eco-friendly vehicles for commuting too.

4. Is there education about environmental protection at school?

Well, yes, environmental science is a mandatory subject in the most of school's academic curriculum as it is a great to educate the children in their earlier age. Therefore, while growing, they take steps to mitigate the problems of environment and start changing their life according to the condition.


发布于 2021-06-27 14:08