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我想上http://bebexiushoujo.blogspot.com/2010/10/hapi-mari-happy-marriage-chapter-20.html... 我想上http://bebexiushoujo.blogspot.com/2010/10/hapi-mari-happy-marriage-chapter-20.htmlt但是上不到谁可以帮我 展开
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2010-12-02 · TA获得超过253个赞

Chiwa is kneeling on the ground (in the formal Japanese kneeling fashion - dozage) in front of Hokuto, and she wails, "I'M SO SORRY HOKUTO!!! I'm working throughout the morning on Sunday even though I'd told them that I'm not available. Instead, from afternoon onwards, I will definitely go!!! Just this once… I'll make sure something like this won't happen again, so forgive me!!" Hokuto is greatly shocked by her outburst and that she even knelt down in front of him. He tells her that since that's the case, it's unreasonable for her to rush all the way to the Mamiya house and besides, the family meeting was called so suddenly that it's understandable. Chiwa protests that that's not the point for she is his wife so she has to properly act as one! After all, now's the crucial period of the company that she's been preparing for so there's no reason to add more pressure on her. Chiwa explains (to the reader) that this Sunday, there is a sudden family meeting for the whole Mamiya household and she had applied for leave from work then but Asahina had refused to grant her the leave for they are short of manpower. Also, it's a chance for her to redeem herself in the eyes of the Mamiya household after her behaviour (the drink splashing) during the new year's gathering. Chiwa comes up with an idea: I could be 'sick' on that day. Hokuto replies, "Are you a small kid huh?" Chiwa responds that it'll be troubling if there is tension or conflict between her and the chairman or the other family members. Hokuto looks a little troubled and tells Chiwa not to sacrifice everything for his sake. She now has a job so she should hold on to this responsibility. Chiwa replies, "even so… it's still my duty as your wife…" She hotly mutters that Asahina is so uncompromising, and she's sure that even if a relative were to pass away he won't allow her to take leave. Hokuto responds that Asahina sounds just like him (as a superior). Chiwa is surprised by the comparison and whips her head around to face him. Hokuto wonders why she looks at him in this way. Chiwa feels her heart beating nervously when she hears Hokuto speak Asahina's name. Chiwa protests that they are definitely not similar, not similar at all! Chiwa is reluctant to let Hokuto know that Asahina and her had a relationship in the past. She mumbles, "Compared to Asahina, Hokuto is by far more… by far…" Hokuto looks at her and smiles and prompts her to continue. "By far more… what?" Chiwa blushes and tells him that he should roughly know what she wants to say. Hokuto gets up from the sofa and nonchalantly replies, "I see. In that case, it's okay if you don't say it. I'd thought of us taking a bath together and then having fun but I've changed my mind." Chiwa goes, "Eh?!?" His tactics work for Chiwa immediately protests, "H-honest! I'd wanted to say that you're honest with a good character, that's all!!" Chiwa never sees her 'duty' as a wife as being some sacrifice for Hokuto's sake, but she wonders if Hokuto really understands that. Because for Hokuto, she's willing to do her best in everything, and more.
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