


The Doping Control Officer (DCO): The DCO is a young woman who requested that she not be identified and that her name not be made public in the final award. The Doping Panel has agreed with this request and will hereafter refer to this FINA witness as DCO. DCO works for IDTM and had overall responsibility for the Athlete’s sample collection session on September 4, 2018. She was present at all relevant times and testified at the hearing as to her direct and personal knowledge. The DCO testified by Skype and was visibly identified. In addition, she submitted two Supplementary Reports and conducted multiple phone conversations with Tudor Popa during the course of the sample collection session.

Huangfen Lin. Ms. Lin was the IDTM Blood Collection Assistant (BCA). The BCA was present at the sample collection session on September 4, 2018 and filed a signed Supplementary Report. The BCA did not attend at the hearing in Lausanne and did not testify or answer questions.

4.10 To commence the notification process, the DCO showed the Athlete her IDTM DCO Card, her personal identification and the generic letter issued by FINA to IDTM for 2018. The FINA Letter of Authority delegates from FINA to IDTM the role of Sample Collection Authority. As the Sample Collection Authority, IDTM is authorized to collect blood and urine samples from FINA members during 2018. The BCA provided a nurse’s Certificate. The DCA showed his national identification card.

4.22 When Dr. Ba arrived at the doping control station at about 1:00 am on September 5, 2018, he reviewed all the authorization documents that had earlier been shown to the Athlete. Dr. Ba was told repeatedly by the DCO that the IDTM testing team was properly authorized by IDTM to collect urine and blood samples from the Athlete. Her authority as an IDTM DCO was explained. The DCO insisted that she had appointed and trained the DCA 11 and that the BCA was properly authorized and qualified to draw blood. Dr Ba believed that both the DCA and the BCA were not properly authorized by IDTM. Further, Dr. Ba insisted that the nurse’s Certificate the BCA had provided was not evidence of proper qualification to collect blood in China. As a result of this conclusion, he refused to permit the DCO to take away and send for testing the blood samples that had been previously collected from the Athlete.

Dr. Han Zhaoqi: Dr. Han is the Chief Doctor at the hospital where Dr. Ba also works. Dr. Han is the Deputy Director of the Zhejiang Anti-Doping Centre. Dr Han received a call from Dr. Ba early in the morning on September 5, 2018, regarding the testing mission then being conducted on the Athlete. Dr. Han was never at the doping control station. Dr. Han testified in person at the hearing and provided a witness statement to the Doping Panel describing his interactions with Dr. Ba and with the IDTM Sample Collection Personnel during the course of the testing mission. Dr. Han insisted that it was inappropriate for the DCA to be taking photos and videos of the Athlete, the required authorizations from IDTM were not provided for both the DCA and the BCA and, in addition, the BCA did not have the proper qualifications to collect blood. In the view of Dr. Han, the nurse’s Certificate shown to the Athlete by the BCA was not evidence of proper qualifications to draw blood. It was not a current nurse’s Practice Certificate, the document that Dr. Han insisted is required to legally draw blood in China. Dr. Han insisted that the required authorizations from IDTM were not provided to the Athlete for both the DCA and the BCA. Without the official IDTM authorization documentation, he would not permit the sample collection to proceed nor could the blood sample already collected be taken away by the DCO to be analyzed.


