





1. 大作文多为看图说话,(描述图片中的动作要使用现在进行时

2. 三段式(描述图片;解释文中深意,此部分是文章的主体;发表自己的意见)

3. 图片中的文字和图片下面的字可以描述出来,也可以意译出来,视情况而定。

4.(重要)作文中尽量用小词,如important 可用 helpful/ useful/essential/ of great importance等来代替;people 这种大词可以用man and woman/ citizens/ local citizens/ teenagers/ adults/ the young/ the old ;everyone可以用all the boys and girls等分类的小词来代替

5. (重要)定语/宾语/主语/表语从句、非谓语结构、倒装结构在作文中的运用。


图片的内容:Twotourists are on a boat and throw their rubbish into the river.

-扩写之后: Two tourists are chattingand eating happily (在船上做什么)ona boat andcasually (怎么样扔垃圾:随意地扔垃圾)throwingtheir rubbish into the lake which is full of litter and waste.(扔进湖里:什么样的湖里-充满垃圾和废品的湖里)



1. 第一段第一句(图片中所揭示的是….):

A. Exhibited in thecartoon is a sarcastic (讽刺的)scenethat…..(+图片内容)

B. The picture revealsa common phenomenon that….

C. As is vividlydepicted / showed in the pictures, we can learn that….(+图片内容), 注意:有一张图就直接放在that后描述其内容,两张图可用此结构: in the firstpicture…..; in the second picture…..(可参照2016年范文)

D. As is illustrated in the cartoon, …

2. 第一段最后一句:

a . Simple as thepicture is, the symbolic meaning it conveys is profound and thought- provoking.

b. Thethought-provoking caption under the cartoon reads:”……..”.(图片下面写着….)

c. What the cartoontries to convey is that …….(该图片揭示的是….)


A/B/C+图片内容. +a/b/c

E.G: As is vividly depicted in the first half ofthe picture, thirty years ago, along the road walked a young and elegantmother, leading her little girl hand in hand, while nowadays the daughter inthe prime of her life guided her aged mother through the road arm in arm in thesecond half. The thought-provokingcaption under the cartoon reads: “company”. (2014年范文)



1. 第一句揭示这幅画的意图

A. It is beyond doubtthat the painter aims to tell us that….

B. Apparently ,theauthor of the cartoon intends to remind us….

C. What the painterintends to convey is far-reaching.

D. …


1. 例点说明(根据图片的意思,表达自己的观点,然后例点说明原因)参照2017范文

2. 无法例点说明的,可采用正反对比(2012年范文 2014年范文),分别从图片的左边和右边来阐述。

When confronted with an adverse situation,some youths feel in low spirits and fall into depression. Others, on the contrary(与之对比),look at the positive side of the situation and remain cheerful.

3. 如果文中揭示的是一种不好的现象,先总体来说这种现象的情况;在分点说明产生这种现象的原因(参照2011、2015年范文)

Nowadays, thoughthe awareness of protecting environment is being accepted by more and morepeople, we can still see many unpleasant scenes especially in scenic spots. Whydoes this \phenomenon arise? Many factors can account for it. First andforemost,…..In addition.

4. 如果图片提出了各种可能性,那文章的主体部分就应该分析这几种可能性的优劣(参照2013年范文)


思路二(我的思路):可以从选择众多的角度,提出自己的建议:如何做出正确的选择(1.清楚自己的优势与劣势2,搞清楚自己的兴趣所在3. 是否急于独立),其实这两种观点是殊途同归的。


A. On the basis of analysis above/ According to what has been discussedabove, we may draw a conclusion that…..

B. To my best understanding, …. could be the best illustration of this point.

C. From my perspective…/ In my opinion,…./ In short/ In my view….


E.G: In my opinion, themost reasonable way is probably to introduce the idea of using electronichealthily in everyday life into the young’s brains. This can be achievedthrough the education in schools and in families. However, it is easier to saythan to do. We must focus on practicing it and only in this way, can we reachour goal.(2015年)


Thereis no doubt that 毫无疑问的是..

optionalclass 选修课

aimto do…目标是做…

toput it another way= in other words 换言之


bearin mind= remember

boastingof doing…以…自豪 boasting of owning many books

giventhe fact that…考虑到…的情况

Giventhe fact that anyone can be caught in dilemma. 每个人都会陷入两难的境地。

beaware of that = know

leadus to nowhere 一事无成

intendto do sth 意欲做某事

remindsb of sth 提醒某人做某事

notonly… but also 不但… 而且

acquireknowledge 获得知识

setpositive role model 树立积极的榜样

Only….can sb do sth 只有…某人才能…

Onlythrough persistent efforts and proper guidance can we succeed.


beabsorbed in doing sth 聚精会神做…

accountfor …为什么作解释

Severalfactors can account for it.


enablesb to do sth 使某人能够做某事

Theprogress of science has enabled the teenagers to use mobile phones.

contributeto 导致…/.为…做贡献


toppledbottle 倒下的瓶子

flowout 流出


lackthe awareness of environmental protection 缺乏环境保护意识

conductmore propaganda in communities 进行更多的社区宣传

scenic spots 景点

huntingfor jobs 找工作

pursuefurther study 深造

ingredients 材料成分佐料

compliment 赞美

complement 补充

philosophical concepts 哲学观点、

pluralistic culture 多元的文化

categorize 分类

cultural blending 文化融合

prosperity 繁荣=blossom

learn from others’ strong points to offset one’sweakness 取长补短

achieve common development 取得共同发展

pervasive problem 普遍的问题

Socialphobia 社交恐惧症

crutch 拐杖

obstacle 障碍

in all lines of work 各行各业

unity is strength 团结就是力量

sanitation 排污设施

market repercussion 市场反响

风花雪月不肯等人 要献便献吻



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