

Lots of Chinese words and ideas translate really awkwardly into English. Here are a few:

拆迁 to demolish old buildings and replace their residents
偏科 to do particularly well in one specific subject in school, to the neglect of others
崛起 to rise up, to emerge suddenly and grandly
应酬 the drinking, dining, karaoke, gift-giving, toasts, flattery, and sometimes bribery required in the doing of business in China
私了 to settle an accident personally without involving authorities
白买 to buy something in vain/waste one's money (白 can be combined with many other verbs to express the same basic meaning of "doing something in vain")
性价比 quality-to-price ratio (i.e. "a good value for ones money")
临时 spur of the moment
了事 to be done with/dispose of a matter
体会 to learn from experience
内涵 the dictionary translates it simply as "content", "meaning", or "connotation", but it seems to mean so much more than that. people who “很有内涵”are people of intelligence, creativity, uniqueness, and character
啃老族 young adults who still live at home and depend on their parents
月光族 people who spend all their paycheck every month
愚民政策 government policies to keep the people ignorant
补习班 after-school supplementary/re-enforcement classes
将就 to do something reluctantly
客套话 conventional greeting/polite formula
驴友 people who like traveling and hiking
春运 the massive flows of people through the transportation network that occurs annually at spring festival
跳槽to change to a better job


Online Teaching:SpeakUp Language Education
