


1. 保持合适速度。LR 15分钟15题 (前期要抢时间),22分钟20题,还剩13分钟解决剩下的,涂答题卡再检查最不确定的题目。RC 5道题的阅读6分钟,6道题7分钟,7道题的8分钟,还剩五分钟时先涂答题卡再解决剩下的。简单的文章一定要rush,以防后面遇到难的文章没时间招架。Rush的方法就是对于简单的题目,找到正确答案后立即标记和move on,回头有时间再检查,相信自己的第一直觉。

2. 减少笔记的量。LR只圈indicator word,和划分大体结构。RC 只圈起承转合,中心句,关键名词(有可能在题目中考察的),流露作者态度的词。

3. 模考时对自己要狠,时间到了就是到了,有人干扰也得坚持做,对自己宽容就是对弱小宽容。

4. 杀猪杀屁股,各有各的杀法。但我认识的中国高分者都是刷题刷出来的。


1. 三步走:1)找conclusion; 2)找premise; 3)查看premises能否证明conclusion。

2. 先读question stem,再有的放矢地读内容。

3. contender/loser 大法,不在看完五个选项之前轻易下决断。如果五个选项都不符合,就重新读题,一定是某个地方遗漏了或者做了错误的assumptions,如果超过一定时间还做不出来,不要猜 先做好标记并放弃,回头有时间再处理。

4. 遇到剩下两个contenders而无法决断时,先查看是否有scope shift。

5. 如果有时间检查,应首先检查前面的题目,因为这里的题目一般比较简单,如果有疑虑多半是因为理解题目方面的偏差,检查这些题目更有机会挽救错题。

6. 特别注意premise和conclusion之间,argument和choice之间的 scope shift。不仅包括主语宾语(名词)的偷换概念,还包括副词强度的变化(will, is vs would, can, could; all vs most vs some, many, at least one)。

7. 需要过多脑补的选项多半不是正确答案。

8. When an LSAT speaker concludes that one occurrence caused another, that speaker also assumes that the stated cause is the only possible cause of the effect and that consequently the stated cause will always produce the effect. 这是许多flaw的源头。

9. Flaw parallel question: identify the flaw first.

10. 有些parallel question 故意使用一些障眼法。较简单的是句子顺序变换,较难的是句子结构的变换(e.g. 在conclusion中加入一个if从句;把unless换成if但逻辑关系却维持不变)。

11. Parallel question里当选项和题干中的topic相同的话,该选项通常错误。

12. Parallel question 可以考虑跳过留在最后解决。

step 1, match the conclusion (strength, type);
step 2, distill the core of the argument and compare;
step 3, compare the validity.

13. 结论中如果出现 new term, 那么 assumption 题的正确选项一定要包含这个 term. 常见question就是结论中出现一个定义或者主观判断(premise中未出现的内容),正确选项必定是link the new staff in the conclusion to the premise.

14. Assumption questions include sufficient assumption questions and necessary assumption questions. The former needs something that can justify the argument, and cannot be picked through ‘Assumption Negation’. The latter only needs something that is minimally required, and it can be picked through ‘Assumption Negation’. In the latter questions, wrong answers can be something going too far.

15. Necessary assumption question里当选项含有most statement的话,该选项多半错误,因为通常情况下many就足够了。

16. Necessary assumption question: at least one/some很高几率是正确选项。

17. 在sufficient assumption question中,a common tendency is to write the answer as the contrapositive of what we were initially predicting.

18. Sufficient assumption question:不用仔细研究conversational topic,直接看premise-conclusion的link。

19. Necessary assumption question 特别留意fill the gap的选项,多半正确。

20. Support question需要看清楚到底是问argument支持哪个选项,还是哪个选项支持argument。

21. Justify question机械解法:conclusion中的new element一定会出现在正确答案中;在conclusion和premise,或者两个premise中都出现的element一般不会出现在正确答案中;在某个premise中出现,但不在conclusion中的element一般出现在正确答案中。

22. Strengthen question里有一类正确答案是eliminate a weakness或者close the gap。正确答案可能strengthen by 1-100%,错误答案一定do not strengthen at all.

23. Demonstrating that the opposites of what we're discussing occur together does not logically strengthen the argument at hand.

24. 有的时候strengthen的正确选项是一个control group。

25. Weaken question common strategies: attack 1) other possibilities; 2) improper comparison; 3) overly broad conclusion.

26. If the conclusion is a possibility statement (probably, likely, most, some, can, would), a counterexample cannot weaken the conclusion.

27. Correlation cannot prove/justify causation, but it can strengthen/support it.

28. 如果遇到需要加强correlation的题目,一个可能的方案是证明这种correlation vice versa.

29. If doing X increases/decreases Y, then X has effects on Y. If something produces an effect, then we call it a ‘cause’. So the word ‘increase/decrease/contribute to’ implies a causation.

30. main conclusion/role playing 题的基本结构

1) someone else's position;
2) but/yet/however --> conclusion (注意:although后面那个从句就等于but引导的从句);
3) support our author's opinion

31. 有main conclusion的题目,题干只有facts,没有现成的conclusion,可以通过找表明作者态度的关键形容词,副词从而推断。

32. One complex argument form is to place the main conclusion in the first sentence of the argument, and then to place the sub-conclusion in the last sentence of the argument, preceded by a conclusion indicator.

33. 对于number/percentage的题目,如果argument只提到number,那么提到percentage的答案多半错误;如果argument只提到percentage,那么提到number的答案多半错误。

34. 当作者使用analogy来证明conclusion时,我们需要检查双方是否‘relevantly similar’。Strengthen/weaken question需要我们指出相同或不同之处。Necessary assumption question需要我们complete the analogy或者指出相同之处。

35. When a flaw question asks you what the argument TAKES FOR GRANTED, it is asking for a necessary assumption. 可以使用negation大法。

36. Comparison between A and B, 不同某条件造成不同结果,正确答案必须涉及两者(通常为某项不同之处)。

37. Disagree的问题有时候正确选项是a distilled answer at high level。需要synthesize each author’s position。

38. More often than not/ tend to = most; all too many = many; likely=probably.

39. A is essential to B, (B requires A), then B --> A。

40. 被unless, except, until, without修饰的部分是necessary condition,剩下的部分negated version便是sufficient condition。

41. Not (A or B) = A and B

42. Risk only indicates a possibility, not an absolute thing.


1. Any time a game has a Bloc, think critically about where it can go.

2. 从可能性最少那个突破。

3. 三个位置必占其二也是非常重要的inference,合理利用可以大幅突破。

4. 一定要注意看清指代对象,因为题目里含有大量代号,很容易搞混,一个错误,满盘皆输。

5. After establishing the initial setup, spend 10-20 seconds to review the correctness of the setup. Especially no mistakes involved.

6. 最大的敌人就是看错题。

7. Only if either A or B selected, but not both, then A/B.

8. Either A or B means ‘at least one of them, possibly both’.

9. ‘Than either’ means both.

10. 迅速做完,只选择正确答案以节省时间,并将此题做上记号,全部做完后再来排除其他选项。

11. 题目里的大前提条件尤为重要,经常漏看导致卡在这个大题上,非常危险。




真题(做三遍吧,尤其是后面的几十套,记得留几套模考用) 五星

7Sage LG真题解说视频 五星

Powerscore bible (三本里我最喜欢LG,LR) 五星

Manhattan bible (RC讲得最好) 五星

The LSAT Trainer (我不喜欢,但很多人推荐) 三星

Kaplan LR (parallel那一部分讲得不错) 三星

LSAT 真题分类(做pt之前先刷这个吧,集中突破很刺激) 五星


