


有别于对香港、台湾等地区的签证类别,澳洲对中国大陆地区开放的签证类型叫做 Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa,明显的不同之处在于,开放给香港和台湾地区的 Working Holiday visa (subclass 417)无学历和英文要求,并且可以续签一年;而对中国大陆开放的类型有明确的英文要求和学历要求,并且终身只能申请一次一年,不能续签。虽然两国协议还未正式签署,但是已经有较为完善的细则公布在了澳驻华使馆网站上。

下面引用一段大使馆网站的阐述, 原文地址:


The Australian Government is pleased to confirm that Australia has negotiated a Work and Holiday Arrangement with China. This arrangement will allow up to 5000 young Chinese people with tertiary education and English skills to experience a working holiday in Australia.

The Work and Holiday visa will provide a unique, once in a lifetime opportunity for Chinese participants. It is also an opportunity for cultural exchange and building closer cultural ties between China and Australia.

The following Frequently Asked Questions provides further details about the Work and Holiday Arrangement with China. There are a range of details relating to the process for lodgement and timing for applications which are still under development.

This website will be updated as new information becomes available so you may wish to check back regularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have China and Australia negotiated a Work and Holiday visa arrangement?
Yes. China and Australia have agreed to establish a Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa arrangement.

When can I apply for a Work and Holiday visa?
While the detail of the Work and Holiday arrangement has been agreed, the arrangement has not yet been officially signed. Once the arrangement is officially signed, Australia will need to undertake a number of legal and administrative processes to bring the signed arrangement into effect, allowing for visas to be granted to Chinese applicants.

Once confirmed, the date that visa applications from Chinese nationals will be accepted by Australia will be identified on this website and the website of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

How many Chinese young people can apply for a Work and Holiday visa?
There is an annual limit of 5000 places for Chinese participants. Once this number is reached no further visa applications will be accepted by Australia until the following year.

What can a Work and Holiday visa holder do in Australia?
The Work and Holiday visa will allow participants to engage in cultural exchange and tourism.

In addition, the visa allows the holder to:
• stay in Australia for 12 months from their date of first arrival;
• work for the 12 month duration of their stay, but for no longer than six months with any one employer; and
• study for four months.

What are the visa’s eligibility requirements?
General eligibility requirements for Chinese Work and Holiday visa applicants will be:
• hold a valid Chinese passport;
• are at least 18 but have not turned 31 years of age at the time an application is lodged;
• will not be with a dependent child while in Australia;
• have enough money for support on a working holiday (about AUD $5000);
• have enough money to buy a return or onward travel ticket at the end of the stay;
• have not previously entered Australia on a Working Holiday visa (subclass 417);
• hold tertiary qualifications, or have successfully completed at least two years of undergraduate university study;
• have functional English;
• meet character and health requirements; and
• are a genuine visitor.

More detailed information about what is involved in meeting these requirements will be made available closer to the date the arrangement commences.

Is there an age limit for a Work and Holiday visa?
Yes. Applicants for the Chinese Work and Holiday visa must be at least 18 but have not turned 31 years of age at the time of lodging the application.

What will I need to provide in my application and where will I send it?
The details of what will be required of applicants and where to send applications will be available once the arrangement commences. This information will be published on this website and the website of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

How much will the visa cost?
The cost of the visa will be confirmed on the website of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection when the arrangement commences. As an indication only, the base cost of a Work and Holiday visa application to Australia was AUD $420 at 19 November 2014.

Will the annual limit of 5000 places be increased?
This is a matter for the Australian and Chinese governments to consider once the arrangement has been in operation for a period of time.

Are the 5000 participants individually selected?
Anyone who meets the Work and Holiday visa’s eligibility requirements is able to apply.

How many times can I apply for a Work and Holiday visa?
The Work and Holiday visa provides a unique ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity for participants. Consequently, participants can only ever apply for one such visa.

Where can I find more information on Australia’s Work and Holiday visa?
Further general information can be found on the website of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection: See: Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462)

Will Australians be able to apply for a Work and Holiday visa to China?
The arrangement will initially allow Chinese participants to visit Australia. There is a mechanism for review should China be in a position to offer opportunities to Australians in the future.