jamie xx 的gosh 鬼城版本mv 到底想传达什么?



这是对MV主创Romain Gavras的采访。其中他谈到了:

Was there an initial idea for the video itself?
Romain Gavras: I almost saw (the video) like a coming-of-age journey through a world where cultural appropriation became so insane that you need spirituality in order to elevate (yourself) from something where culture makes no sense. Somehow, spirituality is where that kid (in the video) is going to find sense. It’s like when you leave your friends, when you’re in high school, and then you’re going to go to the big town – that kind of coming-of-age type of narrative. And this why then they all circle him and he’s detaching himself from his other group of friends, and then he becomes his own prophet. But really, he doesn’t elevate himself, it’s the camera that elevates – so it’s the old thing where he doesn’t change, it’s the perception that we have that changes. This was the intellectual process I had making it.
Sometimes, it was more like I had a dream that when we were there that everyone was blonde in China, so the next day I went to the crew, ‘Let’s bleach all those kids blonde because it will look fucking cool.’ So sometimes it was intellectual, and sometimes it was more intuitive. Obviously, bleaching 300 kids blonde will be fucking cool, you know?


