
The 15th Governing Council Meeting of the ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre

The 15th Governing Council Meeting of the ReCAAP ISC (“the Centre”) was held on 16 and 17 March 2021 by virtual modality, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The Meeting was attended by the Governors/Representatives of the 20 ReCAAP Contracting Parties (Annex).  On 17 March 2021, the Open Session was also attended by External Participants from two countries and 16 organisations.
The Council reviewed the activities of the Centre in FY2020.
The Council appreciated that, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centre's core function of information sharing continued undisrupted through the ReCAAP Information Network (IFN) and other digital platforms.  The Council also noted the Centre's efforts to conduct capacity building activities for ReCAAP Focal Points as well as engagement with the shipping industry by virtual modality.
The Council deliberated on the Centre's Workplan and the Budget for FY2021.
The Council encouraged the Centre to continue sharing timely and accurate information as well as analysis of the situation by using data analytics tools. The Council also encouraged the Centre to use virtual modality as much as possible for capacity building activities and cooperative arrangements during the period when physical meetings cannot be organised.
The Council approved the Budget for FY2021 proposed by the Secretariat.  
The Council deliberated on the three-year Workplan for FY2021-FY2023 as well as the update of the Action Plan of the Centre's Roadmap. The Council recognised that the Workplan for FY2021 and the three-year Workplan incorporated the objectives and actions of the Roadmap.
The Council recognised the importance of cooperation with all countries listed in Article 18(1) of the ReCAAP Agreement, in order to collectively address maritime challenges, and agreed to further promote operational cooperation with those who have yet to accede to the Agreement.
The Council was updated by the Secretariat on the accession process of France and Germany to the Agreement. The Council supported the intention of both countries to join the ReCAAP and expected a smooth accession process for respective countries.
The Council welcomed the events proposed by the Secretariat to commemorate the 15th anniversary of ReCAAP in 2021. The main event will be the 15th anniversary symposium with the theme “Enhancing Regional Cooperation: 15 years and Beyond”, which will take place on 18 March 2021.  The Secretariat informed the Council of the 15th anniversary publication which will be included in the special microsite of 15th anniversary on the Centre's website (www.recaap.org).    
The Council noted the presentation made by the Secretariat on the situation of piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia in 2020. There were 97 incidents (95 actual and two attempted), which was a 32% increase in actual incidents compared to 2019, while the severity of incidents was mostly at a low level. The Secretariat indicated the Singapore Strait and the Sulu-Celebes Seas as areas of concern.
The Council welcomed the voluntary contributions made by ReCAAP Contracting Parties for the Centre in FY 2020 (from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021) as follows:

The financial contribution was made in addition to the secondment of staff from India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines and Thailand to the Centre.
The current Chairperson of the ReCAAP ISC Governing Council (the Philippines) and current Vice Chairperson (China) will end their terms on 31 March 2021. The Council has re-elected the Philippines as next Chairperson and elected Bangladesh as next Vice Chairperson. The new Chairperson and Vice Chairperson will serve a three-year term commencing 1 April 2021.
The Secretariat announced that the nomination of candidates for the next Executive Director of the ReCAAP ISC for the three-year period of FY2022-FY2024 would start on 1 April 2021. 
The 16th Governing Council Meeting of the ReCAAP ISC is scheduled to be held in the week of 15-18 March 2022 in Singapore.

The opinions expressed herein are the author's and not necessarily those of The Xinde Marine News.

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