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发布时间:2023-10-22 16:00:14


Everything seemed to have become a weapon of war. Our enemies had (1) the most familiar objects (2) us, turned shaving kits into holsters and airplanes (3) missiles and soccer coaches and newlyweds into involuntary suicide bombers. So it was (4) the President and his generals to plot the response.
That is because we are (5) one enemy but two: one unseen, the other inside. Terror on this scale (6) to wreck the way we live our lives-make us flinch when a siren sounds, (7) when a door slams and think twice before deciding (8) we really have to take a plane. If we falter, they win, (9) they never plant another bomb. So after the early helplessness, what can I do I’ve already given blood-people started to realize that (10) they could do was exactly, as precisely as possible, (11) they would have done if all this (12) .
That was the spirit (13) in New York and Washington and
A. fighting not
B. not fighting
C. not to fight
D. not fought

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Everything seemed to have become a weapon of war. Our enemies had (1) the most familiar objects (2) us, turned shaving kits into holsters and airplanes (3) missiles and soccer coaches and newlyweds into involuntary suicide bombers. So it was (4) the President and his generals to plot the response.
That is because we are (5) one enemy but two: one unseen, the other inside. Terror on this scale (6) to wreck the way we live our lives-make us flinch when a siren sounds, (7) when a door slams and think twice before deciding (8) we really have to take a plane. If we falter, they win, (9) they never plant another bomb. So after the early helplessness, what can I do I’ve already given blood-people started to realize that (10) they could do was exactly, as precisely as possible, (11) they would have done if all this (12) .
That was the spirit (13) in New York and Washington and
A. used
B. change
C. applied
D. turned


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