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发布时间:2023-12-07 19:41:16

[单项选择]Teachers are not happy when they find in class their students sending ______ to their friends by mobile phone.
A. letters
B. messages
C. notes
D. informations

更多"Teachers are not happy when they fi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Readers()happy endings may find the unvarnished view of modem motherhood a bit unsettling.
A. fond
B. preferred
C. adapted to
D. accustomed to
[单项选择]If teachers want to find out if their students wrote their own papers, ______.
[单项选择]Readers________happy endings may find the unvarnished view of modern motherhood a bit unsettling.
A. fond
B. preferred
C. adapted to
D. accustomed to
[单项选择]The teachers made the English class consist of a ______ group of the students of similar abilities.
A. homogeneous
B. monotonous
C. classified
D. convivial
[单项选择]What made British people happy when Ann Jones won the ladies' singles in 1969
A. There were her family members among the people who watched the match.
B. She was the first member of the club who ever won a game.
C. She was the first British winner for a long time.
D. She was beautifully dressed.
[单项选择]Our teachers promised to attend our class meeting, but they haven't ______ yet.

A. turned up
B. turned out
C. reached
D. turned over
[单项选择]When teachers are mentioned to act as a facilitator, they should be acting ______.

A. easily
B. familiarly
C. fast
D. helpfully
[单项选择]Nobel was happy when together with others, and often felt very lonely ______.
A. by himself
B. in person
C. in private
D. as individual
[单项选择]These teachers try to be objective when they______ the integrated ability of their students.
A. justify
B. evaluate
C. indicate
D. reckon
[单项选择]Teachers stood gazing at the happy ______ of students enjoying their time in the playground.
A. perspective
B. view
C. landscape
D. scene
[单项选择]There are some things in the class the teachers will not put up with.
A. tolerate
B. contribute
C. resist
D. prohibit


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