This article is to help new editors interested in Beyblade AMVs but find it hard to discover good quality episodes or simply they need some steps in creating a simple Bakuten Shoot AMV. You get the idea.

  • Links to download episodes will be in the "Tips".


  1. Not only is this important in Beyblade AMV's, but any editor using different animes should go through this step. An AMV is plain without a story, song and good effects in it. Try making Action Beyblade AMV's more often.
  2. It's also more helpful to get the clips you want to use first, rather than searching for them while making the AMV. You want to make sure things go neat and smooth.
    • Make sure you mute the audio from the episode while editing.
  3. It depends on what story you want to show. If it's a sentimental or slow story AMV, then go for a slow-paced song.
  4. After choosing a good song, and deciding what the story will be; open any video editor (in this case, Sony Vegas is being used) and gradually work your way through the AMV.
  5. If you are a person who shows quality editing instead of story, it may be easier for you to go pick up any random clips from the show and play a song, but make sure the song would fit a random situation. For quality editing, it is also recommended to use effects. (Example here: )
    • In this case, suppose you are using the song "Shot In The Dark" by Within Temptation. You have the story ready, song in your mind and you have seen the AMV before even completing it. You then slowly work the way across the progress. Don't rush while working on your project, you don't want to ruin your masterpiece with little mistakes.
    • Set a minimum time each day to work on your AMV so it won't seem drab to you, 2 to 3 hours is enough.
  6. After finishing the AMV, you want to make sure that you render them in good settings, in Sony Vegas, recommended settings are "HDV 720-30p (1280x720, 29.970 fps)"under the Project Properties settings and keep to "6 Mbps HD 720-30p Video" in the Template when you finally go to render your project.
  7. After rendering, watch your work a few times before publishing it online, there are many great websites such as YouTube, Vimeo and too. Take some time out and relax and don't think your work is not great; it's common to make mistakes at the first stages. You only improve after making mistakes.
  8. Post your stuff on the forums of different AMV websites, share it with your friends and in time, you will see an increase in your views. It takes patience.
  9. After completing your "Shot In The Dark" AMV, you want to get it to widescreen, you will then have to first render the video and it's RAW properties. After that, open the rendered AMV again in Vegas (the only way you can stretch clip is by rendering the AMV first, then opening the whole, it will be a lot easier) and open the Event Pan/Crop. It will be on the top right of the video when you zoom in and you want to make sure you don't make any mistakes, make sure your Enable Snapping is enabled, don't tick the Size About Center and Lock Aspect Ratio. After that, gradually drag each of the ends of the aspect ratio inside till the video starts to fill the black gaps.
  10. One day, you might become big and famous, just never quit the race.
    • It's recommended to use the format MP4 H.264, it opens the dynamics of the colors in the AMV. But don't worry too much about it, even WMV will work just fine.
  11. Upload your video on YouTube or any other website, in this case, you upload your Shot In The Dark AMV on YouTube and it will appear similar to the video below.

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  • You can render the RAW properties of the AMV in 59 or higher FPS, but render the real/stretched AMV in 29 FPS, it will give AMV the movie look because of the frames.
  • Try showing more scenes of characters as much as possible, especially if it's a story-based AMV, Beyblade battles seem better when the music gets a bit energetic.
  • Download Bakuten Shoot Episodes from Please notice, the episodes are only of G - Revolution, and are in Spanish but in good quality, 60 MB each. If you want to download other seasons as well, or even the G -Revolution in Japanese, follow the next tip.
Show More Tips

Things You'll Need

  • Computer
  • Windows Movie Maker or any software
  • Internet
  • YouTube Account
  • Episodes
  • Song

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Updated: September 15, 2021
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