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Related to Herbart: Galton, Froebel, Johann Herbart


(ˈhɛər bɑrt)

Johann Friedrich, 1776–1841, German philosopher and educator.
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Noun1.Herbart - German philosopher (1776-1841)Herbart - German philosopher (1776-1841)  
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References in classic literature ?
33 ff.), which is reminiscent of Herbart's "Zusammen." I think the relation may be called simply "simultaneity." It might be said that at any moment all sorts of things that are not part of my experience are happening in the world, and that therefore the relation we are seeking to define cannot be merely simultaneity.
(3.) Para Chevallard, un REI se formaliza en un esquema herbatiano, en homenaje al pedagogo Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841), quien nos recuerda que "el interes debe hacer nacer otro interes; lo aprendido se disipara, pero el interes persistira para toda la vida".
She explores this phenomenon in the work of German thinkers of the 18th and early 19th centuries such as Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Schlegel, Friedrich Schelling, and Johann Herbart. She covers the balance of life: quantifying Kant, the levers of German Romanticism, the contested god of Naturphilosophie, and from Naturphilosophi to a mechanically minded psychology.
Ankam's original allottees were Sammy Boit Kogo and Herbart Nyambu Mwakibwa.
Vemos aqui funcionando la apropiacion del concepto de interes cuya procedencia discursiva remite a los debates de la tradicion pedagogica germana, especialmente a la relacion entre el interes, la instruccion y la educacion que plantea Herbart (72).
Citando a Herbart (Johann Friedrich Herbart 1776-1841) y a Letelier, afirma que el trabajo en la sala de clases requiere de una combinacion de formas didacticas cuyos metodos generen el interes por el aprendizaje.
(5.) Examples of representative authors, listed in chronological order, include: John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), John Locke (1632-1704), Jean-Jacque Rousseau (1712-1778), Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827), Friedrich Frobel (1782-1852), Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841), Maria Montessori (1870-1952) and Jerome Bruner (1915-2016).