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GISMO: The Future of GIS in NYC // April 23rd, 3pm

From: Member ID: #.
Sent on: Monday, April 2, 2018, 3:04 PM

Hi GeoNYC!

We've got another GeoNYC coming up in April (the 24th, actually, news coming this week) and we are excited about that. But FIRST, Monday the 23rd, there is a daytime panel by GISMO that we'd love to bring to your attention. Please consider attending! Details below:


The Future of GIS in NYC
A GISMO - Hunter College Forum
April 23, 2018 // 3pm
Roosevelt House, Public Policy Institute at Hunter College

Dear Members of the NYC Metro Area GIS Community,
You are invited to a GIS Forum on April 23, 2018, which will address principles and policies for the evolution of geospatial information systems (GIS) in New York City. RSVP is required at

The Future of GIS in NYC Forum will take place in the auditorium at Roosevelt House, Public Policy Institute at Hunter College,, located at 47-49 East 65th Street between Madison and Park Avenues. Please RSVP as soon as possible since seating is limited.

The doors to Roosevelt House open at 2:30 PM. The Forum will begin at 3:00 PM with greetings from Jennifer Raab, President of Hunter College who will then introduce Hunter College Geography Professor Sean Ahearn.

Professor Ahearn has played a critical role in NYC GIS development starting in the mid-1990's. Sean made major contributions to City basemap development, the GIS response to 9/11, and to infrastructure mapping initiatives. Sean will review the history of GIS in NYC and discuss the uniqueness and power of GIS-enabled systems.

Following Sean, Alan Leidner, current President of NYC GISMO, and former Citywide GIS Director, will discuss the recommendations made in the Principles and Policies document which he compiled with the assistance of a number of GISMO members. In preparation for attending the Forum you are strongly encouraged to read the document at: Alan will make the case for a more collaborative GIS community, the need for robust City government leadership, and for making NYC an international center for GIS research, development, and jobs.

Following these formal presentations, a distinguished panel of GIS experts will add their comments.

  • George Percivall, Chief Technology Officer, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
  • Gregory Yetman, Associate Director, CIESIN, Columbia University
  • Dr. John Konarski, Executive Director, American Geographical Society (AGS)
  • Dr. Amen Ra Mashariki, Director, Urban Analytics, ESRI
  • Jeff Ferzoco, Public Sector Technical Advisor, Carto
  • New York City Government GIS representative to be named

Following comments from the panelists, attendees will be able to express opinions and ask questions, limited to 2 minutes each. Longer statements can be submitted for publication on the GISMO website. Light refreshments to follow.

GISMO would like to thank Hunter College, Professor Sean Ahearn and GISMO Board Member Amy Jeu for making this event possible.

Sincerely, Alan Leidner, President, GISMO




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