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Clarification: ASA Webinar

From: Matt P.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 2:30 PM

I received two quick questions which I thought I should clarify.

Perhaps we should have been more clear.  The ASA chapter registered for
the seminar and is streaming to a classroom on Auraria campus in
Denver.  This choice was based
on a small survey we did amongst members.   If you
want to stream it to your computer,  you would pay for that.  I
don't know about getting around the deadline for the first lecture,
but you might first
check with the national ASA office to see if that is possible.

Sorry for the confusion and the short notice.  This opportunity just
came to our attention late last week.


For more information, if the link fails


you might  try going to  and searching weblectures


This Friday, Mar. 29, at 1:00 - 3:00 in room SI 1011 of the Science
Bldg on the Auraria Campus in Denver, the CO/WY Chapter of the
American Statistical Association will be showing the following ASA

Title: Effective Data Mining: Applying Statistical Engineering to "Big Data"
Presenters: Roger Hoerl, Union College, Richard De Veaux, Williams
College, Ron Snee, Snee Associates

It's free.  The CO/WY Chapter is covering the registration fee
(otherwise it would cost $90).  If any of you are interested in
attending, you're more than welcome.  For more information about the
topic, goto


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