Dictionary English-Chinese Under construction

External sources (not reviewed)

Metro Light Rail & Monorail – The Monorail and Metro Light Rail are [...]
good means of transport within the centre.
铁轻轨及铁路——铁路 和地 铁轻 轨是 市中心便利的交通方式。
Metro systems in general [...]
offer higher passenger transport capacities per line compared to BRT systems, but need higher investment costs.
总体说来 与快速公交系统相比为每条线路提供了更高 [...]
No longer is an all-IP core sufficient; providers must now expand their IP
[...] convergence to the edge/metro network, in a [...]
cost-effective, quality-assured manner.
全 IP 核心网已不再足以满足需求了;提
[...] 供商现在必须以经济高效并且又能保证质量的方式将其 IP 融合扩展到边缘网/城域网
You can also increase
[...] or decrease your search radius for those times when you are in a dense metro area.
Professor RIDLEY is of the view that "The formula, by allowing an automatic annual
[...] [...] adjustment, protects the interests of the workforce of the metro by providing income that can support fair wages, protects the legitimate interests of shareholders who receive a fair return on the capital they provide, protects the interests of taxpayers by giving strong management incentives to deliver efficiency, and protects the interests of the travelling public against unjustified fares increases…… Therefore, in order to facilitate stable business decisions by the metro to deliver sustained, long-term service quality, it is [...] [...]
essential that the agreed formula for annual adjustments in fares is adopted automatically and in full.
利禮 賢教授認為:"在機制下,票價每年按方程 自動 調整 ,提供收入以維 持合理的工資,可保障員工的利益;為股東的資本提供合理回報,可 保障他們的合法利益;鼓勵管理層提供具效率的服務,令納稅人的利 益得到保障;以及防止不合理的加幅,從而保障乘客的利益……因此, 為利便地鐵公司作出穩妥的商業決定,長期保持優良的服務質素,協 定的每年調整票價方程式須全面採用並自動運作。
The PlanD will
[...] make a submission to the TPB for consideration in early 2011 and it is expected that the scope for consideration will be confined to Wing Lee Street at Site A of H19, the reason being that the Metro Planning Committee of the TPB had, when deliberating on the project on 19 March 2010, indicated that the proposed use and development parameters of the other two sites (that is, Site B and Site [...] [...]
C) outside Wing Lee Street were acceptable and that there would be no need to revisit the planning requirements of these two sites.
規劃署會在2011年年初提交文件,供 城規會考慮,但相信考慮的範圍應只局限於H19地盤A的永 利街,因為城規會轄下的都會規劃小組委員會在2010年 3 月 19日處理這個項目時已表示在永利街以外的兩個發展 地盤(即地盤B和地盤C)的擬議用途及發展參數可以接受, 並無重新檢討該兩個地盤規劃的需要。
Even if energy consumption of stations (ventilation,
airconditionig, illumination, escalators,
[...] etc.) is included, metro systems in China [...]
are more energy-efficient than the average urban bus and passenger cars.
即使包括车站的能源消耗在内(通风、空调、照明、电梯等),中 国的 铁系 要比 普通城市公交车和客运汽车更为节能。
The  Government  should  also  consider  changing  the  permitted  land  use  as 
[...] [...] stipulated in the Outline Zoning Plan in the New  Territories on a limited basis, for the  sake of promoting economic vibrancy and creating  job opportunities, so as to foster a  “win win” situation for the metro cor e areas and the New Territories as a whole.
特區政府宜有限度改變新界地區《分區計劃大綱圖》所規限的土地用途, 開拓商機以促進新界地區的經濟活力及創造就業,從而為市區和新界締造「雙 贏」的局面。
Sadly, major terrorist assaults have continued over the years since 9-11 — including attacks on UN headquarters in Baghdad (August 2003), on four commuter trains in Madrid (March 2004), on an office and an apartment block used by Westerners in al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia (May 2004), the London Underground (July 2005), a seaside area and shopping hub in Bali (October 2005), multiple sites in Mumbai (November
2008), the Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta (July
[...] 2009), and the Moscow Metro (March 2010), to [...]
name only a few.
可悲的是9.11事件过去多年后,仍有多起重大恐怖袭击发生,包括2003年8月对联合国驻巴格达总部, 2004年3月对马德里的四起通勤列车,2004年5月对沙特阿拉伯铝拜尔西方人的办公室和公寓楼,20 05年7月对伦敦地铁,2005年10月对巴厘岛的一个海滨区和购物中心,2008年11月对孟买的多个地 点,2009年7月对雅加达万豪和丽思卡尔顿酒店,以及2010年3月对 科地 怖袭 击, 这里仅列出了少数几个。
At the invitation of the Metro Broadcast Corporation [...]
and The Law Society of Hong Kong, he discussed legal proceedings targeting
individual music file-sharers in Hong Kong, peer-to-peer sharing and rights of the recording industry and Internet service providers on a radio broadcast.
陈律师曾担任香港电视节目《百法百众》的演讲嘉宾,讲述香港法律下各方的权利和义务;亦曾接受新 城广播 有限 公司以及香港律师会的邀请,在新城财经台(FM102.5)的广播节目中讨论有关香港对网上共享音乐档案和 下载音乐的人士采取法律行动、点对点音乐档案共享以及唱片行业和互联网服务供应商的权利等法律问题。
Day tickets are valid on all public transport:
[...] trams, buses, the Metro, commuter trains [...]
and the Suomenlinna ferry.
多种公共交通工具通用:比如有轨电车、公交 、室 火车 和去芬兰堡的轮渡。
(c) In a new partnership between the United
Nations Regional Information Centre in
[...] Brussels and the Athens Metro, a selection of United [...]
Nations priority issues and events
will be promoted throughout 2010, utilizing the 133 video monitors in the 23 stations of the city’s underground rapid transit system, which is used by approximately 170 million people each year.
(c) 布鲁塞尔区域联合国新闻中心 局之 间建 立新的伙伴关 系,在整个 2010 [...]
年期间,联合国的一些优先问题和活动将通过 133 个视频监视 器在雅典地下捷运系统 23 个车站中进行宣传,每年大约有 1.7 亿人使用该系统。
With Visual Studio 11 Beta
[...] support and Windows Metro inspired themes [...]
across our toolsets, you’re ready for Windows 8 now.
我们的整个工具集都支持VS 11 测试版和Windows的Metro风格主题, 现在您可以为windows [...]
With 216 international trademark applications, Lidl from Germany was the largest filer in 2008, followed by Nestlé (Switzerland), Henkel (Germany), Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany), Novartis (Switzerland), Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belgium), BSH Bosch und Siemens (Germany), Zhejiang Medicine Company (China), L’Oréal (France), Deutsche Telekom (Germany), AstraZeneca (Sweden),
KRKA (Slovenia), Glaxo Group (UK),
[...] Beiersdorf (Germany), MIP Metro (Germany), Hofer Kommanditgesellschaft [...]
(Austria), 3 Suisses
International (France), ITM Enterprises (France), Egis Gyógyszergyár (Hungary), Actavis Group PTC (Iceland).
其次是雀巢(瑞士)、汉高(德国)、勃林格殷格翰(德国)、诺华(瑞士)、杨森制药(比利时)、博世和西门 子(德国)、浙江医药公司(中国)、欧莱雅(法国)、德国电信(德国)、阿斯利康(瑞典)、KRKA(斯洛 文尼亚)、葛兰素集团(英国)、拜尔斯道夫(德 )、 M IP Metro国)、赫 佛公司(奥地利)、3 Suisses [...]
International (法国)、ITM企业(法国)、Egis制药(匈牙利)、阿特维斯集团(冰岛)。
Heeding the development trend of the APA industry, the Group focused on R&D of the following new products: EVOC Self-defined Reinforced PCI-ISA Industrial Computer Mainline Series Products (EVOC自定義加固型PCI-ISA工業計算機總線系列產品); Compact PCI Platform Product (Compact PCI平台產品); High-performance Reinforced Computer Product (高性能加固計算機產品); Automatically-Controlled Communication Management Equipment
(自動化控制通信管理設備), AFC system
[...] products for use in metro railway; testing [...]
and control system products for electricity use; broadcasting
system products for use in advertising; supervision and control system products for use in transportation.
針 對APA(高 端 自 動 化)行 業 的 發 展 趨 勢,本 集 團 於 回 顧 期 內 重 點 研 發 的 新 產 品 包 括:EVOC自 定 義 加 固 型PCI-ISA工 業 計 算 機 總 線 系 列
產 品、CompactPCI平 台 產 品、高 性 能 加 固 計 算 機 產 品、自 動
[...] 化 控 制 管 理 設 、地 鐵 用AFC系 統 產 品、電 [...]
力 專 用 測 控 系 統 產 品、廣 告 專 用 播 放 系 統 產 品、交
通 專 用 監 控 系 統 產 品。
The Bangkok Metro Public Company [...]
Limited introduced in detail the current transit project as well as Mass Rapid Transit Master Plan 2019-2029.
铁公有限公司详 细介绍了当前的快速交通项目及 2019 [...]
至 2029 年的大众快速交通总体规划。
The PBB-TE and
[...] MPLS options on the FTB-8120NGE/8130NGE offer service providers a comprehensive field tool to efficiently qualify Ethernet services from end-to-end, validating metro and core tunneling technologies.
FTB-8120NGE/8130NGE 上的 PBB-TE 和 MPLS 选件为服务提供商提供了全面的现场工具来从端到 端高效地鉴定以太网服务,从而验 城域 网和 核心网隧道 技术。
It was found that 70% of the
[...] caseloads of the first-level courts in Metro Manila consist of small claims cases, [...]
and that many of the
litigants in these cases are poor.
70% 的案件是小额索赔案件,这些案件的许多当事人是穷 人。
elyanaja said ‘urbanization or globalization don’t necessarily have to be about changing the face/identity of cities for the worse’, though @popupcity disagreed: ‘many typical globalization-driven urban regeneration projects have the same characteristics…’ @Neighborhoodist suggested the problem might be more local, saying ‘some *neighborhood* identities are potentially under threat from this, but city/metro ID is often played up/exaggerated’.
討論會尾聲,我們論及都市化與全球化對城市身分的可能威脅,@elyanaja指出,「都市化與全球化未必 會造成城市面貌惡化」,不過@popupcity提出異議,覺得「許多全球化推動的都市再生方案特質都相同 …」,@Neighborhoodist認為問題或許更貼近地方,「有些社區身分可能陷入危機,但城市身分 卻顯不斷突顯/誇大」,@humestreet則不擔心,表示「一如合作結果總是較好,多元也能創造更棒的 成果,只是需要對話」。
The mixed-use development will be conveniently accessible from the interchange station of Metro Lines 2 and 3 and offers a total gross floor area of over 250,000 sqm*, comprising a 100,000-sqm open-plan shopping mall that offers 300 retail and dining outlets, a 100-room intriguing urban hotel managed by Swire Hotels, [...] [...]
serviced apartments as well as the Grade A office tower, Pinnacle One.
綜合體總樓面面積逾25萬平方米*,其中包括總樓面面積逾10萬平方米、共300家零售店鋪及餐飲選擇的時 尚購物街區,一家由太古酒店經營與管理、擁有100間客房的都會風尚酒店、服務式公寓以及一座國際甲級辦公 樓睿東中心(PINNACLE ONE)。
In order to alleviate the difficulties arising from the existence of odd lots of the Consolidated Shares
and the change in board lot size, the Company
[...] has appointed Metro Capital Securities [...]
Limited as an agent to provide matching
service, on a best efforts basis, for the sale and purchase of odd lots of Consolidated Shares arising from the Share Consolidation.
為減少存在合併股份碎股及更改每手買賣單位所產生之困難,本公司已 高證 券有 限公 司作為代理,按盡力基準為買賣自股份合併產生之合併股份碎股提供對盤服務。
The hotel connects directly to the China
World Trade Centre, where you can
[...] hop onto the subway at the Guomao metro station and explore this fascinating [...]
酒店与中国国际贸易中心直接相连,到 贸地 铁站 步行 仅需 几分钟, 坐地 铁可 以到 达北 京市许多的景点。
(20 September 2012, Hong Kong) – Comba
[...] [...] Telecom Systems Holdings Limited (“Comba Telecom” or “the Group”, Hong Kong stock code: 2342), a global leading wireless solutions provider, has been awarded a contract by the Bangkok Metro Public Company Limited (BMCL) to provide an end-to-end wireless solution to enable 2G and 3G voice and data communications throughout the underground railway network.
(2012 年 9 月 20 日,香港訊) – 全球領先的無線解決方案供應商京信通信系統控股有限 公司(「京信通信」或「集團」,香港股份代號:2342)成功與曼 地鐵 公共 有限公司(BMCL) 簽訂合約,提供端到端的無線解決方案,使 2G 和 3G 語音和數據通信服務覆蓋整個地鐵網 絡。
Armenia also targeted civilians far beyond the conflict zone, by masterminding terrorist acts
against public transport and critical infrastructure, such as the bomb
[...] explosions in the Baku metro in 1994 and others.
[...] 导演了破坏公共交通和关键基础设施的恐怖行径,例 如 1994 库地爆炸案和其它行径。
[...] the leading licensor of silicon intellectual property (SIP) platform solutions and DSP cores, has announced a suite of advanced processor and multi-core technologies to further enhance the CEVA-XC DSP architecture framework for high performance wireless applications including wireless terminals, small cells, access points, metro and macro base-stations.
全球領先的矽產品知識產權(SIP)平台解決方案和數碼訊號處理器(DSP)內核授權廠商CEVA公司發布 一系列先進處理器和多內核技術,進一步提升針對包括無線終端、室外小型基地台(small cell)、存取點、地鐵和大型基地台(macro base-station)等高性能無線應用的CEVA-XC DSP架構框架。
All of these actions will take time and money, but they may save Pune’s transportation future, and they will certainly be cheaper than the construction of a brand-new metro system, or even a reactionary approach to highway construction.
這些作為都得花費時間與金錢,但可能拯救普納未來大眾運輸環境,也一定比興建全新 鐵系 統便宜,更不必增建高速公路,不過在發展永續運輸願景之 ,還 得先克服文化及經濟障礙。
In a bid to maintaining the economic prosperity of the territories, the Government upholds the pre-handover territorial development strategy
[...] [...] characterized by a development model with high concentration of economic, social and political activities together with continuous population growth in the metro core along the two sides of the Victoria Harbour.
為確保回歸過渡時期的經濟繁榮,香港實施了一套高度集中的發展策略, 將主要的經濟、社會和政治活動集中在維港兩岸, 會核 心一 帶的人口繼續膨 脹。
Enterprises and cloud and content providers can leverage our global footprint and wide choice of metro-level providers, ISPs and mobile broadband networks to achieve high performance for business-critical and latency-sensitive applications, improving the employee [...] [...]
and customer experience and accelerating adoption.
企业及云计算和内容提供商可利用我们在全球的业务覆盖及广泛的都市级提供商、ISP 及移动宽带网络选择,来实现业务关键及时延敏感性应用的高性能,改善员工及客户的体验并加快接纳的速度。
Several examples, a live metro/subway application, [...]
showing location and movement of all the train cars (or buses) in real
time, or money flow in a corporation, and how much is currently available in every site, or, live supply chain application, etc.
一些实例,一个时的铁/地 道应 用,实时显示所有的列车(或公共汽车)的位置和移动,或在一个公司的资金流动,和当前在每个网站中多少是可 用的,或实时的供应链应用等。
The Dubai Metro, of which the total project is estimated to cost US$3.96 billion (HK$30.8 billion), will be one of the longest metros in the world with a total of 70 kilometres and 55 stations (30% underground).
工 程 計 劃 預 計 耗 資 39億 6,000萬 美 元 (308 億港元),全長 70公 里 , 沿 線 有 55個 車 站 (30%為地下車 站 ), 將 是 全 球最長的地下路之一。
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