
楼盘编号: 13225991
居外物业ID: 美国
所在国家: Media
地址: 430 N Monroe St, Media, Pennsylvania, United States
类别: 公寓
卧室数量(间): 3
浴室数量(间): 2
房龄(年): ** 暂无资料 **
车位数量(个): 0
Unit/Flat, Victorian - MEDIA, PA
巨大的一楼的公寓有三间卧室。 这个单位是阳光灿烂的三个壁炉。 大客厅和娱乐饭厅。 漂亮的硬木通了。 热,水,电在内。
Electic enormous freshly painted first floor apartment with three bedrooms. This unit is bright and sunny with three fireplaces. Large living and dining room for entertaining. Beautiful hardwoods thru out. Sunroom & Office/study with separate entrance. Heat, water and electric included. Off street parking. A stones throw from downtown Media, Lots of shopping, entertainment and restaurants.
物业售价: ** 请向代理咨询 **