Everybody On Twitter Loves A Rainy Bank Holiday


    So today was a Bank Holiday in England and Wales.

    It gave us a much-needed three-day weekend to see friends, have barbecues, or just kick back and relax.

    Of course, traditionally it rains on a Bank Holiday.

    This time, the weather didn't disappoint.

    Did the Tories sneak in legislation that it must always rain on August Bank Holiday? Rainy Truro!

    Most traditional Bank Holiday activities were cancelled because of the weather.

    CANCELLED: Tug of war and hog roast in Nunney today, due to heavy rain #BankHolidayMonday http://t.co/1VwmoGhvl2

    But, weirdly, not many people on Twitter seemed to mind.

    Classic bank holiday for the UK. Rain everywhere! I shall remain snuggled in a hoodie and lounge pants. Happy bank holiday y'all!

    Typical bank holiday Monday! Rain! Best get on and make some strawberry fudge then! (made with real strawberry)

    Seeing as we are having typical bank holiday weather, just going to have a cosy afternoon in front of the telly!

    Perfect bank holiday Monday, i wanted rain so i can stay at home, watch films, eat crap and be 21 again on the ps3

    In fact, some people seemed to actively enjoy it.

    *stretches out on the sofa, watching the rain falling during an English Bank Holiday Monday*

    Love a cosy Bank Holiday. On the sofa naked with a cup of coffee while rain patters against the window and DFS security call the police.

    Even those who decided to brave the bad weather seemed undeniably chipper.

    Perfect Bank Holiday spent @drunkblackhorse with friends & rain! @annafshaw @bigbodge9 @got2dogs

    Nothing like an august bank holiday walk with the dogs in the mist and rain !

    Nice bank holiday Monday run in the rain! #happy

    Although some chose... poorly.

    As bad decisions go, a trip to Ikea on a Bank Holiday Monday is up there with when Napoleon last tried to invade Russia.

    i just got went to the busiest bank holiday ikea ever and came out with nothing but a house plant

    On the whole, though, people seemed to enjoy the chance to stay in, put their feet up, and basically doze in front of the TV.

    Honestly love it when it rains on a bank holiday hope you've all had a fab day

    Rain + bank holiday = stay in bed & watch films all day

    Spend this bank holiday catching up on shark week perfect

    Except for this alpaca at the Horniman Museum in London, who doesn't look like he's having the best time. But he doesn't count, because he's not on Twitter.

    Latest arrival at @HornimanMuseum. Baby alpaca isn't at all perturbed by bank holiday rain #london