
  • Man-At-Arms: Mmm... good food. Teela: I wonder why they put the meat on these little white sticks? Man-At-Arms: Those are rib bones. Teela: You mean this used to be an animal...? Man-At-Arms: Uh huh. Teela: Ugh! What a barbaric world... Gwildor: It tasted good... Skeletor: The Alpha... and the Omega... death and rebirth... and as you die, so will I be reborn! Skeletor: People of Eternia! I stand before the Great Eye of the galaxy. Chosen by destiny by the powers of Greyskull! This inevitable moment will transpire before your eyes, even as He-Man himself bears witness to it. Now. I, Skeletor, am Master of the Universe! YES! Yes... I feel it, the power... fills me. Yes, I feel the universe within me! I am... I am a part of the cosmos! The power flows... Flows through me! Of what consequence are you now? This planet, these people. They are NOTHING to me! The universe is power! Real, unstoppable POWER! and I am that force! I am that power! KNEEL BEFORE YOUR MASTER! Fool! you are no longer my EQUAL! I am more than man! MORE THAN LIFE! I... am... a... GOD! Now. You... will... KNEEEEEL! KNEEEEL! He-Man: I HAVE THE POWER! Skeletor: Kneel before your master... (He-Man refuses)... fool, you are no longer my equal, I am more than man, more than life... I am a GOD! Skeletor: Now I, Skeletor, am master of the universe. Skeletor: Of what consequence are you now? These people, this world, they are nothing - the universe is power, pure unstoppable power - and I am that force, I am that will. Skeletor: I must possess all, or I possess nothing Skeletor: You are all aware of the price of failure. Sorceress: Men who crave power look back on the mistakes they've made in their past, put all them together in a pile and call it... destiny. Blade (to He-Man): I've waited a long time for this. Blade: [sword-fighting with He-Man] I've waited a long time for this! Julie Winston: I wish I could change things. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Kevin Corrigan 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : But you can't. That only happens in fairy tales. He-Man: [after rescuing Julie, meets the other Eternians] Did you have any luck? Teela: [looking at Julie] Not as much as you, apparently. Detective Lubic: Nobody takes pot shots at Lubic! Julie Winston: He-Man, Teela, Man-At-Arms... Teela: Don't say goodbye. Say Good Journey. Duncan: It is an old Eternian saying. Live the journey, for every destination is but a doorway to another. Julie Winston: Good Journey. Evil-Lyn: Outnumbered? Outclassed is more like it. Skeletor: I am not in a giving vein this day. Evil-Lyn: After all this time, Greyskull is ours. Skeletor: NO! Mine. [Skeletor has just been fired upon by Teela and Man-At-Arms but uses his magic to shield himself] Skeletor: Not the way to treat your beloved ruler. Skeletor: Tell me about the loneliness of good, He-Man. Is it equal to the loneliness of evil? Skeletor: Everything comes to he who waits... and I have waited so very long for this moment. Man-At-Arms: You dare threaten her life? Skeletor: I DARE ANYTHING! I am Skeletor! Skeletor: [speaking of the Great Eye] It is my destiny! It is my right! NOTHING shall deter me from it! Sorceress: Men who crave power look back on the mistakes of their lives. Piles them together and call it destiny. Skeletor: [laughs] Thank you for that "bit of philosophy, Sorceress. Here is my response. [Blade brings the Sword of Greyskull forward] Skeletor: Yes, Sorceress! The Sword of Greyskull! Mine! Now, and forever! (He-Man is brought forward.) Your champion. Skeletor: Your precious Sorceress, an old crone. Weak. Withering. Dying. Are you ready to kneel now, proud warrior? Skeletor: The people of Eternia will see you kneel before me, JUST before you die! He-Man: I'll NEVER kneel to you! Skeletor: Yes you will! Yes you will! Or I shall wreak unforgettable harm upon you! Robot: [regarding He-Man's allies] What about them, Sir? Skeletor: Leave them be. As long as I let them live, He-Man is bound by his word. Let them rot. [laughs] Skeletor: Let them rot. Skeletor: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [to He-Man regarding his allies] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • I give you a choice. Surrender to me and I will spare their miserable lives, or perish with them on this primitive and tasteless planet. Surrender your sword! Sorceress: He-Man is alive! I can feel it! Skeletor: Really? How sensitive you are! Can you feel - THIS? [Uses his magic to sap her strength] Skeletor: I ache to SMASH YOU OUT OF EXISTENCE! To DRIVE your cursed face FROM MY MEMORIES FOREVER! He-Man: Enough talk! Skeletor: Yes! Let this be our final battle! [last lines] Skeletor: I'll be back! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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