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care of、care about、care for、care with的区别





★care既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,意为“在乎”“在意”,通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。如: ① vi. They 情组might fail, but they didn’t care. 他们可能会失败,但他们不在乎。 I don’t care if I never see him again. 即便我永远再也见不到他,我也不在乎。 ② vt. I’ll go. I don’t care wha电钱农概未任致t happens. 不管发生什么,我都要去。 I don’t care whom you will go together with. 我并不介意你要和谁一起去。 ★c来自are与for或abou360问答t连用,意为“关心”“爱护”。care for作固席“照顾”解时,可用于被动语态。如: ① We should care for/about each oth金开主员令核制整护er. 我们应该互相关心。 ② The children are well cared for in the nursery. 孩子们在托儿所受到很好的照顾。 ★care后接动词不定式或介词for/about,意为“喜欢”“愿意”“对……感兴趣”,用于否定句和疑问句中,迅鸡杂活思溶间屋丰负不可用于被动语态。如: ① He might not care to go. 他也许不想去。 ② She didn’t care to 劳握由逐顺be disturbed. 她不愿意被打扰。 ③ Rose doesn’t care about money. 罗斯对钱不感兴趣。 ④ I don’t care for the place. 我不喜欢这个地方。 ★care作名词用时,除了作“关心”“照硫远温配任般顾”“忧虑”等解以外,还有“小心”“谨慎”“保护”“管理”“责任”“可忧虑的事(原因)”等。年业东放治挥投供声父但如: ① I retired last year. No叶读拉足所鱼城效火曲w I am a man free from care duty. 我去年退休了。现在我是个无工作之忧的人了。 ② Mr James is old, but can not be free from the care of his big family. 詹姆假置相硫标酒村结绍除士先生已经老了,但是仍摆脱不了养活一大家子的负担。 ③ Our house is under the care of my uncle’s, when we all go abroad. 在我们全家出国期间,我们的房子交由叔叔家照管。 ④ This is very 兵连味留防诗台宪投高伟fragile. Please handle with care! 这是易碎品。请小心轻放! ⑤ Care has 导益清made him look at least six years older than his age. 忧虑使他看上去比实际年龄至少老六岁。 ★take care of(=look after)意为“照料”。如: The baby must be taken good care of. 这婴儿一定要很好地照料。 ★take care of还要作“对付”“应付”解。如: Don’t worry; I can take care of it. 别担心,我能对付它。 【注】与care相关的词组及复合词: care of转交往往被缩写为c/o,护做假菜段胞多用于信封上。 care-taker守门者;管理员 care-worn (因反培粮六科来几刘支注担心、劳苦而)消瘦憔悴的 ★car以物级下胶际套陆似e加后缀-ful和-less分别构成形容词careful和careless。careful的意思是“细心的”“谨慎的”;careless的意思主要有“粗心的”“不在乎的”等。如: ① On the whole, he is a careful person. 总的来说,他是个细心的人。 ② Be careful with your health. 注意你们的身体健康。 ③ That is our careful selection. 那是我们谨慎的选择。 ④ No such careless mistake is allowed once more. 如此粗心的错误绝不允许再次发生。 ⑤ Being young men, we should be careless of hardship. 作为年轻人,我们不应该怕吃



