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酒店地处苏州市中心,毗邻繁华商业区,信步可达新区商业街、家乐福大型购物广场;便捷通往诸多高速公路、苏州高新区和苏州工业园区。酒店距寒山寺、留园、西园寺、观前街和苏州乐园等著名旅游景点仅5 ~ 10分钟车程;距无锡硕放机场40公里,距上海虹桥机场80公里.距上海浦东国际机场150公里。酒店楼高50层,现代化的楼体造型,寓意月照虎丘塔,与苏州古城风貌交相辉映,成为市区的地标性建筑。万豪品牌以其专业和高水准的服务享誉世界各地,为您的商务和休闲旅游提供完善周到、天堂般的体验。苏州万豪酒店精心打造了302间配备豪华的客房与套房,位于酒店第29~48层,饱览苏城美景。客房提供全套便利服务,配有42英寸飞利浦液晶电视机,可收看卫星及有线电视节目,独特的Ipod播放音响,为旅行的客人提供个性化的服务。热带雨林花洒,欧式独立浴缸,全方位镜面设计,营造时尚性感的沐浴体验。酒店拥有七间时尚个性的餐厅及酒廊,亚洲各地特色美食、地道淮阳菜,特色广东菜、意大利南部料理,主厨亲自掌勺,口味独特,使您在万豪酒店用餐成为不可错过的一场美食之旅。三楼的健身中心,崇尚自然、环保,配有健身房、瑜珈馆、SPA水疗、游泳池等各项设施,自然采光,可边欣赏窗外美景边健身休闲,助您退去工作之疲。作为一家国际顶尖酒店管理集团,万豪集团经过80多年的发展目前在全球70个国家和地区管理超过3500家酒店,是世界五百强排行榜中唯一的酒店业公司。万豪先生的理念“ 如果你好好照顾你的同事,他们就会悉心照顾你的客人。”是公司成功发展的基石。苏州万豪酒店现诚挚邀请有志于酒店服务业人士加盟。我们秉承万豪集团“关爱” 这一永恒信念,为员工提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利及长远的职业规划,同一集团的多家姐妹酒店更将为员工的个人发展提供广阔的空间。在这里您得到的不仅是一份工作,更是一份职业。Discover one of the newest International 5 star luxury hotels in Suzhou at the Suzhou Marriott Hotel. Hotel ideally situated in the heart of Suzhou, close to commercial Entertainment district and the New & Hi-tech Development Zone - adjacent to the Suzhou Government and Administrative Service Centre, convenient access to Suzhou Industry Park and International Convention Centers, and 5-10 minutes driving distance from Han Shan Temple and Guanqian Street. With its prominent architecture, the stylish Suzhou Marriott Hotel provides 302 luxury and tastefully designed rooms and suites located between 29th and 48th floors with magnificent views of the city. Be it for business or pleasure, the hotel offers an impressive array of first-class facilities and inventive catering solutions. With 7 stylish restaurants and lounges, indulge yourself with gastronomic temptations ranging from classical Asian cuisine to modern Western fusion!As the sole International Hotel Management Company listed in Fortune 500; Marriott International Inc., manages more than 3,500 hotels in 70 countries and areas over the world. The ongoing and ever increasing success is based on the philosophy established more than 80 years ago by our Founder, Mr. JW Marriott, that: “If you take care of your associates, they will take care of your guests.’ We invite you to join an innovative and energetic team. Applying the company culture of Marriott International Inc., we provide you with not only competitive compensation and benefits but a satisfying career that rewards your abilities and fulfills your potential. By joining and becoming a part of our hotel, what you get here is not simply a job but a career within this big international family, and access to a greater world!!...查看全部


联系人:Eve 吴苏珍
地 址:姑苏区干将西路1296号


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