【教资面试】试讲——初中英语《The story of the ten suns》








Good morning dear judges.I’m NO.1 candidate. My topic is: “The story of the ten suns” May I start my presentation? Thank you.

1、Warming up & leading in

Good morning my class. How are you today? Fine, great, awesome. Are you ready for our new adventure in today’s class?Excited!Good, I’m excited, too. Boys and girls, can you tell me have you ever heard of fairy tales?Yes, right? What kind of fairy tales have you read? Snow white? Cinderella? Beauty and beast? The Little Mermaid? Wow, so many fairy tales you know. But they are all western fairy tales. Do you know any Chinese fairy tales?


Now, look at this picture. What’s this?Sam, you try, please. Very good, it is the story of the Journey to the west. Do you remember now? Ok, Let’s see the next picture. What’s this? Tina, please. Yes, this is the story of Nv wa repair the sky. Wow, Good job. Let’s see another one, what’s this? Yes, it is the story of Yu Gong moves a mountain! Super good, boys and girls. We all learned from our Chinese language class, right? Can you guess what fairy tale are we going to study? You don’t know, right? Let’s look at this picture. What can you see, yes, there are ten suns. But in our world, there is only one sun, right? Do you know what happened?


Now, let’s read to the passage and find out the answer together.Ok, time’s up. Did you get the answer? Who can tell us what is the story talks about? Sam, please. Very good, Yes, it is a man named Houyi shot nine suns, right? Thank you, Sam, you did a good job.

Now, let’s read the passage one more time. then number the pictures in order to the story, then retell the story in their own words. You may discuss it with your partner. five minutes for you. Now, let’s start. Time’s up, everyone. Can i invite any volunteers to share your story? Peter, please. Wow, a very nice story, isn’t it? In your story Houyi, he is a brave man. Good job!

Now, let’s read the passage carefully again, then answer the questions on the screen. Good, let’s read it together. Boys and girls, your voices are so beautiful. Now, are you ready to answer these questions?

How does the story begin? Yes, a long time ago, there were ten suns in the sky. The weather was very hot. Plants could not grow. Animals could not live long.

What happened next? Yes, that’s right. There was a man. His name was Houyi. He shot nine suns out of the sky.

What’s the result? Sam, you try. Good,In the end, only one sun remained. The weather got cooler. Plants could grow. People were happy.Super, Sam, sit down, please!

Great work, everyone, i m sure you know the content clearly.


Now, it is time to do role play. Making a new conversation, then with your partner to act the story with the stage property. let’s see who can get a better performance? i will give you fine minutes to prepare. All right, boys and girls, Time’s up, are you ready to make your show? Now, Let’s see group 1. Wow, it looks so nice. Right, everyone? Good job. Claps hands, please. Next, Group2 comes to the front, please,……Super, boys and girls, your team makes it inevery detail. Very good. Next, Group 3, please……You all did a very good job.You are all wonderful. All of you did a good job. Clap hands for them.

Boys and girls, i want to ask you, there is anyone think Houyi did a wrong thing? He would not shot the nine sun. Please show me your hands. Wow, canyou tell us why? If there are ten suns, we won’t have winter any more. Mmm,good guess. How about “do a debate”. and discuss this topic? Good, i will divide you into two big groups, the defense and the opposition. Ten minutes foryou to prepare it. Time’s up, everyone, are you ready for the debate? Ok, the defense is first. Now, time for opposition. What an exciting debate! I think Houyi also has these worries as you said. But lucky, he shot the nine of them, left one for us, or we will no day time. Super, everyone! I love what you all said.

5、Summary and homework

How Time flies! I hope you enjoyed your class today. Before the end of the class, I need some students to help us summarize what we have learned today. Who wants to be a volunteer? Ok, Jason, please. Excellent. As Jason said we know the fairy tale of Houyi shot the suns in English. From today’s passage, we can see Houyi save the world in such difficult circumstances. But he never gives up to do it. Boys and girls, i hope you can study this spirit from them, keep going, never give up. Ok? Good, now, Here is our today’s homework, After class, ding a survey around your friends or neighborhood, about how do they go to school or work. and share it in the next class, ok?

Great, that’s all for today’s class. See you tomorrow, everyone.


That’s all for my presentation. Thanks for listening. May I clean the blackboard?

学完记得 打卡点在看哟






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