--To publish a journal article of significant originality,rigour and impact Two conditions --Definition of research hypothesis and objectives(in Introduction) --Review of literature related to the topic and select papers that can be cited(and listed in References) Three parts --Indexing and searching:Title,Authors,Affiliations(作者单位),Abstracts and Keywords --Main text:Introduction,Method,Results,Discussion and Conclusions --Annexes(附录):Acknowledgement,References and Supplementary Materials Four themes: -- Introduction:What is about?How was it addressed?Why is it important? --Method:How does it work?What are its theoretical properties? --Result:What is found?How do they reflect the objectives? --Discussion:What does it all mean? Preparation of figures and tables Description of approach and method Description of results Discussion of results Interpretation of results Presentation of conclusion Presentation of introduction Presentation of abstract Presentation of title and keywords Presentation of acknowledgement and references 我原先想的顺序正好跟这个相反 Presentation of Figures and Tables Illustrations are critical—”A figure is worth a thousand words” Figure or Table? -- What is important is to show comparisons of experimental results with those of previous works,or with calculated/theoretical values No duplication of the information presented,being self-explanatory Do’s and Don’t in Figures and Tables -- Avoid crowded plots,using only three or four data sets per figure -- Use appropriate axis and label size -- Include symbols and data sets that are easy to distinguish -- Ensure appropriate alignment in entries in table -- Include long boring tables(using supplementary material instead) -- Using lines when there is no connection between samples(using histograms(直方图,柱状图)instead) Description of Proposed Approach/Method Include detailed information so that a knowledgeable reader can reproduce the experiment Avoid repeating details of established methods,using references and supporting material to indicate published procedures Use standard systems for numbers and nomenclature(命名法,术语) Avoid adding comments,results and discussion here Description of Results Present only essential results,to facilitate discussions Indicate statistical tests used with all relevant parameters Use sub-headings to keep results of the same type together Decide on logical order that tells a clear story,reflecting the method proposed Discussion of Result Discuss result,in comparison with existing literature Avoid: -- Ignoring results in disagreement with existing work,instead arguing for why they are correct or better -- Statements that go beyond what the results can support -- Non-quantified expressions,but using quantitative descriptions as much as possible Revise work and experiments as necessary Presentation of Conclusion Summaries how the work advances the field from the present state of knowledge Don’t repeat the abstract,or just list experimental results Provide a clear scientific justification for the work Indicate uses and extensions if appropriate Suggest future modifications and point out those that are underway Introduction the Introduction Aim:To convince readers why the work is novel and useful(阐述文章的新颖有用之处) Issues to address:(要解决的问题) -- What is the problem to be solved?(解决什么问题) --Are there any existing solutions?(目前存在的解决方法) -- Which is best?(最好的那一个) -- What are the main limitations?(这些方法存在的局限) -- What is the work expected achieve?(本论文的贡献) Introduction the main scientific publications on which the work is based,citing the most relevant original and important existing contribution(引用于本论文相关的重要的已有的贡献) Considerations for Introduction Don’t use more words than necessary,be concise and to point Give the whole picture regarding the relevant literature,but not a history lesson of it(全面了结相关文献) Organize the material from the global to the particular point of view,guiding the readers to the current objectives (从全局到特殊的方式组织材料) State the purpose of the paper and research strategy adopted to answer the question (说明该文章的目的以及为解决这个问题而采取的研究策略) -- Do not mix introduction with result,discussion and conclusion (introduction,result,discussion,conclusion 不要混在一起) Highlight research hypothesis and objectives towards the end of the introduction(在introduction结束时突出研究的假设目标) Provide an overview of the paper structure(提供论文结构的概述) Presentation of Abstracts Aim:To provide a short description of the perspective and purpose of paper(简述这篇论文的观点以及目的) -- Indicate why important to do what has been done and what key findings are(你所做事情的重要性以及重要发现) -- Advertise the work together with the title(建议与title一起完成) -- Make it interesting and easily