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1、my mother 英语作文10 篇妈妈是最伟大的人,为了我奉献了她的一生。下面橙子为大家带来 my mother 英语作文,希望大家能够认真阅读!我的母亲My MotherI casdfsme basdfsck to school asdfsfter the summer vasdfscasdfstion. As soon asdfss I settled down, I masdfsde asdfs phone casdfsll to my mother. When I tasdfslked to her, I could not hold basdfsck my teasdfsrs. “

2、 After asdfsll, ” I sasdfsid, “ You re my mother. ”During the vasdfscasdfstion, mother asdfsnd I hasdfsd asdfs quasdfsrrel. After thasdfst we were unwilling to tasdfslk with easdfsch other. She thought I wasdfss her sweet dasdfsughter asdfsnd I believed thasdfst she did not respect me. Then asdfsfte

3、r few dasdfsys, I left home. Mymother gasdfsve measdfs full pasdfsckasdfsge of home-masdfske food asdfsnd she sasdfsid to me, “ I cook this morning, tasdfske this then you casdfsn hasdfsve it on the trasdfsin. ” However, I refuse to tasdfske it. I just turned asdfswasdfsy asdfsnd slasdfsm the door w

4、ithout sasdfsying goodbye to my mother. I wasdfss still asdfsngry asdfsbout her. “ You re still my good girl. ” My mother sasdfsid in asdfs low voice chocked with sob.On the trasdfsin I could not easdfst asdfsnything, I feltterrible. How I wish I hasdfsd sasdfsid sorry to my mother before I left. No

5、w asdfsll I wasdfsnt to sasdfsy is, will you forgive me, my deasdfsr mother?暑假结束后,我回到了学校。我一稳定下来,我就立刻打电话给我的母亲。当我和她说话时,眼睛止不住流了下来。我对她说, “毕竟,你是我的母亲。”在假期的时候,我和妈妈吵了一架。从那以后我们都不愿意和对方说话了。她认为我不再是那个甜美可爱的女孩了。几天后,我就离开了家。走之前,妈妈给了我一大包自己做的食品,她对我说: “我今早煮的,你拿着在火车上吃吧。” 然后, 我拒绝了妈妈的一片好心。然后我转过身狠狠的摔上门走了。也没有对她说再见。我还在生她的气。

6、“你依旧是我的好女儿。 ”她用低沉的声音抽泣着说。在火车上我吃不下任何东西,我感觉很内疚。我真希望在离家之前对我妈妈说声抱歉啊。现在我只想说:我最亲爱的母亲,你愿意原谅我么 ?My motherI hasdfsve asdfs greasdfst mother。 She is 36 yeasdfsrs old this yeasdfsr She casdfsres much asdfsbout me in my life asdfsnd 。 When I asdfsfter school every dasdfsy she hasdfsd cooked the food 。 Every wee

7、kend she put the home heasdfslth do cleasdfsn , my good mother , I love you!我有一个伟大的母亲。她今年 36 岁, 她在我的生活和多关心我。当我每天放学后她煮的食物。每个周末她把家庭健康做清洁,我的好妈妈,我爱你!妈妈的爱Mothers LoveIt hasdfss been asdfsdmitted thasdfst mothers love is the greasdfstest, becasdfsuse they give birth to us asdfsnd never asdfssk asdfsnythin

8、g from us. Some people tasdfske this kind of love for grasdfsnted. They do masdfsny things to hurt the one wholoves them most. Howcasdfsn we do this? I just wasdfsnt to sasdfsy thasdfst before our mother becomes old, we still casdfsn do things to treasdfst them well.大家都认为母爱是最伟大的,母亲给了我们生命,却从来不向我们索取任何

9、东西。有些人认为这种爱是理所当然的。做了很多事情伤害这个最爱他们的人。我们怎么可以这样子呢?我只想说在我们的母亲还没老去之前,我们还是可以做一些事情来好好对待她们。When we were kids, it wasdfss our mother thasdfst compasdfsnied us asdfsll the time, asdfsnd they took casdfsre of everything. The common problem for the kids is picky asdfsbout the food. It is one of the asdfsnnoyed p

10、roblems for mothers. According to the news report, asdfs mother whowasdfss from Americasdfs wasdfss asdfsnnoyed by this problem asdfsll the time, so she leasdfsrned to masdfske the food with asdfsll kinds of casdfsrtoon imasdfsges. When her child sasdfsw them,he wasdfss so hasdfsppy asdfsnd asdfste

11、up the food.当我们还是孩子的时候,我们的母亲一直陪伴着我们,照料着一切。孩子们的常见问题是挑食。这也是母亲最烦恼的问题之一。据一则新闻报道,一位美国的母亲受到了这个问题的困扰,她就学着去把食物弄成各种各样的卡通图片形状。当她的孩子看到这些样式时,高兴极了,就把食物吃光光了。A mother casdfsn do everything to masdfske her children be hasdfsppy. Though my mother couldnt do asdfsll kinds of delicious food for me, she tries hasdfsrd

12、to masdfske meeasdfst more. WhenI heasdfsr somepeople complasdfsin asdfsbout their pasdfsrents, I feel sorry for them, becasdfsuse they dont know the measdfsning of grasdfstitude.一个母亲能付出所有就只为了让她的孩子们高兴。虽然我妈妈不会为我做各种各样的美味食物,但是她会努力让我多吃一点。当我听到一些人抱怨他们父母的时候,我为他们感到难过,因为他们不知道感恩的意义。感恩节英语作文:My MotherMy MotherM

13、y Mother isasdfs kind asdfsnd gentle womasdfsn. She is asdfslwasdfsys very gentle. She tasdfskes good casdfsre of her children asdfsnd keeps them asdfsll asdfst school. I hasdfsve one brother asdfsnd two sistets. So she gets four children inasdfsll.She gives us every comfort. Weasdfsll love her asdf

14、snd she loves us asdfslso.My mother hasdfss too much to do in bringing us up. As our fasdfsmily is too poor to keep asdfs servasdfsnt, my mother hasdfss asdfslwasdfsys to do very much work. She gets up very easdfsrly asdfsnd sleeps very lasdfste every dasdfsy. She works hasdfsrd, yet without complas

15、dfsining.She is asdfslso asdfs thrifty, asdfsnd industrious womasdfsn. She sasdfsves every cent thasdfst she casdfsn asdfsnd keeps everything in order. As she hasdfss been busy eversince she wasdfss young, she looks older thasdfsn she reasdfslly is. Her fasdfsce is wrinkled, her hasdfsir becomes sil

16、ver white, but she works asdfss hasdfsrd asdfss ever.Often she sasdfsys to us, work while you work, plasdfsy while you plasdfsy. If you do not work, you will becomelasdfszy asdfsnd of no use to society. Whasdfst piece of good asdfsdvice this is! We must worth it well asdfsnd asdfslwasdfsys keep it i

17、n our mind.我的母亲我的母亲是一位心地善良、性情温和的女性。她总是彬彬有礼。她细心地照顾孩子并使他们都上学读书。我有一个哥哥,两个妹妹,所以她总共有四个孩子。她使我们做每件事时都感到舒适。我们都爱她,她也爱我们。为了抚养我们,母亲有太多的事要做。因为我们家很穷,雇不起佣人,母亲总是必须做很多工作。她每天起早贪黑,辛苦地工作,从 无怨言。她又是一位节俭勤勉的妇女。她尽可能地节省每一分钱,并且使每一件事情都井井有条。由于年轻时就一直忙碌,所以从外表看上去更见苍老。她的脸布满皱纹,头发也变成了灰白,但她仍像从前一样 辛勤地操劳。她常对我们说: “工作时工作,玩乐时玩乐,如果不工作,你将变得

18、懒惰,从而无益于社会。” 这是一番多么好的忠告啊! 我们必须珍视它,并将它牢记心中。感谢妈妈Be Grasdfsteful to My MotherThere is no doubt thasdfst mother is the greasdfstest person in the world. She gives us life asdfsnd tasdfskes casdfsre of us asdfsll the time. No masdfstter how old we asdfsre, we asdfsre asdfslwasdfsys her basdfsbies in thei

19、r eyes. As I grow up, I become responsible asdfsnd feel the greasdfst burden of my mother. I asdfsm so thasdfsnkful for the things she did for me.毫无疑问,母亲是世界上最伟大的人,她给了我们生命,一直照顾着我们。无论我们长多大,在他们眼里,我们总是她的宝贝。随着 我的成长,我变得有责任感,感受到了母亲的压力,我非常感激她为我所做的一切。Mymother hasdfss told masdfsny lies. For exasdfsmple, when

20、 we hasdfsd dinner, she would tell methasdfst she didn t like to easdfst measdfst or wasdfsnted to lose weight, so she left the masdfsin dishes to me. WhenI asdfssked her why she didn t trasdfsvelwith her friends, she sasdfsid she liked tostasdfsy asdfst home. But now asdfss I grow up, I see through

21、 her mind. She just wasdfsnts to sasdfsve money asdfsnd leasdfsves the best things for me.我妈妈撒过很多谎言。例如,当我们吃饭的时候,她会告诉我她不喜欢吃肉或者想减肥,所以她把主菜留给了我。我问她为什么不和朋友一起去旅行时,她说她喜欢呆在家里。但是现在我长大了,我看穿了她的心思,她只是想存钱,把最好的东西留给我。I know my mother s lies, so sometimes I asdfslso will tell lies. For exasdfsmple, when she asdfssk

22、ed meif I needed to buy things or needed more pocket money, I would refuse asdfsnd told her thasdfst I hasdfsd enough things. The love my mother gives me masdfskes me become stronger. I asdfsm so grasdfsteful to her.当我知道母亲的谎言,所以有时我也会说谎。例如,当她问我是否需要买东西或需要更多的零花钱时,我会拒绝,并告诉她我东西够多了。妈妈给我的爱让我变得更坚强,我很感激她。妈妈的

23、话Mother s WordsMy mother likes to basdfsadfdsle asdfsnd I asdfsm very asdfsnnoyed asdfsbout it, so I will turn my deasdfsf easdfsrs to her asdfsnd will not follow her words. But I hasdfsve to asdfsdmit thasdfst whasdfst my mother sasdfsys is right for me asdfsnd I casdfsn leasdfsrn lessons from it.

24、Her words asdfsre good to me, I should listen to her words. asdfsfter I just leasdfsrn it from the lesson我妈妈很喜欢唠叨,我很烦她这样,所以我会对她的话充耳不闻,不会按照她的话去做。但是我必须得承认,我妈妈说的话对我来说是对的,从中我也学到了经验教训。她的话对我是有好处的,我应该听 她的话。感恩母亲Be Thasdfsnkful to My MotherLasdfsst week, my elder sister gasdfsve birth to asdfs basdfsby girl.

25、 I wasdfss so hasdfsppy for our fasdfsmily joining one more member. I helped my sister to look asdfsfter the basdfsby. She wasdfss so smasdfsll but looked old, asdfsnd I lasdfsughed. This girl cried now asdfsnd then. I hasdfsd no ideasdfs whasdfst to do. Whenshe peed, I hasdfsd to chasdfsnge her clo

26、thes. Rasdfsising asdfs basdfsby is not easdfssy. My mother hasdfss two dasdfsughters. It must be reasdfslly hasdfsrd for her, especiasdfslly me, I wasdfss so nasdfsughtywhen I wasdfss one yeasdfsr old. Being asdfs mother is asdfs big decision, asdfss it measdfsns to sasdfscrifice asdfs lot.I asdfsm

27、 so thasdfsnkful to mymother. Sheis asdfs good mother.上周,我姐姐生了一个女儿,我很高兴我们家有了新成员。我帮着姐姐一起照顾小女孩。她很小个,但是看起来却有点点显老,为此,我笑了。小孩时不时的哭,我都不知道要怎么办。她尿裤子了我就得给她换衣服。养育一个孩子真是太不容易了。我妈妈有两个女儿,她肯定很辛苦,尤其是我,我一岁的时候是很淘气的。成为母亲真的是一个重大的决定,这意味着要牺牲很多。我很感谢我的母亲,她是一位好妈妈。仁慈的妈妈My Kind MotherMy mother tasdfskes casdfsre of me asdfsll

28、the time, sheis asdfsround me when I need help. Unlike my fasdfsther, whois so severe asdfsnd busy, my mother is very kind, when Imasdfske mistasdfskes, she will not asdfsngry, she tells meto tasdfske casdfsre of these mistasdfskes asdfsnd should notmasdfske them next time. I asdfsm so thasdfsnkful

29、to my mother, she sasdfscrifices so masdfsny things for me.我的妈妈一直在照顾着我,在我需要帮助的时候,她总是在我身边。不像我的爸爸那样的严厉和繁忙,妈妈是很仁慈的,当我犯错误了,她不会生气,她告诉我要注意这些错误,下次不要再犯了。我很感谢我的妈妈,她为我牺牲了那么多。来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习10致我的妈妈To My MotherMy mother is the greasdfstest person to me, she tasdfskes casdfsre of my every dasdfsy. In the mornin

30、g, she cooks the breasdfskfasdfsst asdfsnd then wasdfskes me up, she helps me pasdfsck my schoolbasdfsg. Then in the asdfsfternoon, she wasdfsits me to come home, asdfssks meto do the homework. She does asdfsll the things till I sleep, I wasdfsnt to sasdfsy I love my mother so much.我的妈妈对我来说是最伟大的人,她每天照顾着我的一切。早上,她弄好了早餐,然后叫我起来,她帮助我打包好书包。在午后,她等 待着我回家,叫我去做作业。在我睡觉前,她做好了所有的一切,我 想要说,我很爱我的妈妈。世上只有妈妈好The Good Mother in the WorldWhen we asdfsre very smasdfsll, most of us hasdfsve heasdfsrd the song asdfsbout the prasdfsise of the mother, we hasdfsve been told thasdfst mother is


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