新世纪大学英语综合教程预备级Unit4 Is There a Doctor in the Body概要1.ppt

新世纪大学英语综合教程预备级Unit4 Is There a Doctor in the Body概要1.ppt

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新世纪大学英语综合教程预备级Unit4 Is There a Doctor in the Body概要1

*Before Reading _main* Introductory remarks1_1_1 Introductory remarks1_1_2 Question1_2 Spot dictaion2_1_1 Spot dication2_1_2 Spot dication2_1_3 Spot dication2_1_4 Questions2_2 Questions2_2 Spot dictaion2_1_1 Spot dication2_1_2 Spot dication2_1_3 The connection between Mind and body3_1_1 The connection between Mind and body3_1_2 The connection between Mind and body3_1_3 The connection between Mind and body3_1_4 Placebo effect3_2_1 Placebo effect3_2_2 Placebo effect3_2_3 Discussion *Intensive Reading of Text A _main* *Intensive Reading of Text A _main* *Intensive Reading of Text A _main* Scanning1 Scanning2 Scanning3 Scanning4 Part Division of the Text Detailed Reading1 Detailed Reading2 Detailed Reading3 Detailed Reading4 Detailed Reading5 Sometimes all a… The study of… It is as… Some people say… This gives them…1 This gives them…2 The success of… If the patient… The placebo has… They were put… If patients expect… This would seem… body1 body2 prescription well case1 case2 pill1 pill2 happen happen knowledge1 knowledge2 Open up heal As if fool wish will Rest with relationship trust seasickness Stay healthy each rate effect reaction cheat Summary1.1 Summary1.2 Useful Expressions2.1 Useful Expressions2.2 Useful Expressions2.3 Writing3.1 Writing3.2 *Additional Activities _main* Spot dictation1.1 Spot dictation1.2 Discussion2 Proverbs and quotations3.1 Proverbs and quotations3.2 Leisure time4.1 Proverbs and quotations3.3 *Text B _main* Spot dictation1 Proverbs and quotations2.1 Proverbs and quotations2.2 Quiz3.1 Quiz3.2 Text B Detailed Reading 1 Text B Detailed Reading 2 Text B Detailed Reading 3 Text B Detailed Reading 4 Text B Detailed Reading 5 Text B Detailed Reading 6 If I were… Life is all … Several years later… In good mood Go up to sb. Get it Cut away The bottom line Reflect on Lose touch Be held up Intensive care Be released from the hospital Decline sb. To do sth. Thanks to 1. People always treasure the ones that haven’t obtained, but forget the ones that have


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