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Unit 2 Economic Society The consumer isn’t a moron: she is your wife. You insult her intelligence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to by anything.. 消费者不是傻瓜, 她是你的妻子. 如果你认为仅凭一句口号, 几个乏味的形容词就能使她掏腰包买任何东西的话, 那么你就亵渎了她的智。 ----David Ogilvy, American advertisement manager There is no resting place for an enterprise in a competitive economy. 在竞争的经济中, 没有企业休息的地方。 ---Alfred P. Sloan, American businessman Pre-reading Activities Fill in the blanks with words you hear. Decide how the business will operate. You should describe how the business will be managed, and the _____ (1) and organization structure that will be in place. There are three further parts that go together to make a ______________ (2) business plan: A __________ (3) plan: it includes location, method of selling, _____________ (4), pricing and so on. You must be aware of consumer _______ (5) to make sure that your business does not become outdated or irrelevant. An operation plan: it describes the day-to-day running of business, You should include supply sources, cost and quantities of material, _____________(6),equipment and methods of _________ (7) the service or products offered. A financial plan, which is a master budget for the operation and includes cash flow forecast, balance _________ (8), profit and lost statement, _____________ (9) of finance and sales forecast and target. The financial aspects of the plan are the most important and you should develop or ________ (10) financial skill to make sure this part of your plan is accurate and realistic, Don’t forget set-up costs and the money needed to see you through and initial period of low cash flow when calculating your first year’s budget. Good Things Come to Those Who Actively Wait Donald Sull is a professor of management Practice in Strategic and International Management and Faculty Director of Executive Education at London business School where


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