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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(Pteropus vampyrus), a mammal of the order Chirop-t era. The largest representative of this order, it measures up to 40cm long and has a wingspread up to 1. 4 m. It is distributed onthe Malacca peninsula, on the Greater and Lesser Sunda Islands, and in the Philippines. The kalong lives in forests and always fliesin large groups. It eats fruits and sometimes causes damage to fruit orchards.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Geotextile tubes installed in Teluk Kalong were 3.5 m in diameter and placed at 150 m offshore.
2,310) per unit, and were purchased from firms such as Kalong Technology Co., Ltd, Dasen International Electronics Co Ltd, Trend Grace and Shenzhen Shetong Zhaoli Co Ltd.
We believe God will protect us," said Abdul Rahman Kalong, a senior member of a 65-strong team.
Unlike the handles on contemporary Chinese miniature bottles or the similar but finer celadons produced at the Kalong kilns in Thailand, those on Si Satchanalai celadons could more often be described as straplike coils than as true rings, and they tend to be slightly irregular, even on the finest of wares.
The discovery in 1935 of a group of kilns at Kalong, several days' trek across the mountains from the northern Thai city of Chiang Rai, opened a whole new chapter in the knowledge of Thai glazed ceramics by revealing the existence of a unique range of a high standard probably contemporary with those of central Thailand.
Numerous skirmishes resulted, in which the West India Regiment of Black soldiers played a leading part (and indeed Samuel Hodge from Tortola in the British Virgin Islands won the VC--the first to be awarded to a Black soldier--in June 1866, at Tuba Kalong).
The first image on episode one, entitled What a Night for a Knight, was a Kalong Bat flying out of a cave!
"It closely follows behind our titanium dioxide expansion progress at our Greatham, UK and Teluk Kalong, Malaysia plants as we further globalize our business."
-- Construction of an LPG export terminal at Telok Kalong. Installation of a 77- mile pipeline linking the gas processing plant an nearby users.
'The edging out of Stephen Kalong Ningkan in Sarawak and my father in Sabah in favour of Muslim leaders who, in the case of Sabah anyway, embarked on a programme of mass religious conversions, made the intentions of Malaya clear.