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形容词: anticlimactic 副词: anticlimactically

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1. a change from a serious subject to a disappointing one

Synonym: bathos

2. a disappointing decline after a previous rise

e.g. the anticlimax of a brilliant career

1. (激动人心的事情之后)令人失望的情况,令人扫兴的事件
You can describe something as an anticlimax if it disappoints you because it happens after something that was very exciting, or because it is not as exciting as you expected.

e.g. Barry's speech followed Dirk Bogarde's appearance, and was an inevitable anticlimax...
e.g. It was sad that his international career should end in such anticlimax.


1. 突降法:尤其是在记叙事件上面,他很擅长使用突降法(anticlimax)来突出,也很喜欢调换事件发生的自然时间顺序来获得意外效果. 就<>一本书而言,前文中一直若隐若现的对于各种鸟类的点滴着墨,以及对于主角胖查理羞于在公众面前高歌一曲的细致剖析,

2. 反高潮:然而,真实的情况总是和人们的想象相差甚远,用目前小资界的流行偶像村上春树的话来说,那就是,现实生活的情节总是反高潮(Anticlimax)的,在某种高潮臆想的背后其实只是一大片无边无际的平淡无奇的草原.

3. 戏剧高潮后的缓和;修辞学里:antichrist 反基督者或伪基督 | anticlimax 戏剧高潮后的缓和;修辞学里 | Anti-也可以用在医学和化学术语里. 例如:

After the marvellous display of Saturday morning, the remaining ceremonies were something of an anticlimax.(周六早晨的精彩展示之后,接下来的庆典简直令人扫兴。)
Therefore, the general principle of word order translation should not be applied mechanically to the translation of anticlimax.(突降辞格的翻译不能套用一般的语序翻译原则。)
It was an anticlimax when they abandoned the game.(他们放弃比赛,真是扫兴。)
THE election date had been an open secret for so long that its announcement this week might have come as an anticlimax.(选举的日期成为一个公开的秘密如此之久以致于这星期正式通告可能没那么大的反响。)
Travelling in Europe was something of an anticlimax after the years he'd spent in Africa.(他在非洲生活了多年,到欧洲旅行真是有点太平淡了。)
After the fear and panic of the past two years, that may come almost as an anticlimax. But that is the way crises often end.(过去两年的担忧惊恐之后,那或许的确是一个败兴的结局,但危机也往往是这样结束的。)
It was an anticlimax, to say the least, when we at last reached the Anchorage airport for our flight home.(这是一个虎头蛇尾,至少可以说,当我们在去年达到了安克雷奇机场为我们的航班。)
Before the listener knows where he is, the mounting tension is lifted in a pianissimo anticlimax.(在听众不知不觉之间,紧张气氛在最弱音的突减中被提升了。)
The exams came, almost an anticlimax after the build-up that the students had given them.(在学生们一番大造声势之后,随之而来的考试却出乎意料地平淡。)
After all the suspense for the new movie, the actor's poor performance made the last scene an anticlimax.(这部新电影在前面设置了许多悬念,但这个男演员拙劣的表演使最后一场戏变得虎头蛇尾。)
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