Procrastination Helmet

Procrastination Helmet 最新

5 效率 1用户 V0.0.6版本 2019年3月8日
将下载的 **.crx 文件改名为 **.zip 将**.zip解压到文件夹 进入chrome插件管理界面(在chrome浏览器网址栏输入地址:chrome://extensions/) 勾选开发者模式,并选择加载已解压的拓展程序 选择第二步解压的文件夹即可
Procrastination Helmet 1
Procrastination Helmet 2


This extension helps you spend less time watching wasteful videos on YouTube.

YouTube is often a go-to source for rapidly picking up new knowledge because information presented in video format is easily digested.

Unfortunately, YouTube can also be a huge time sink, if used incorrectly.

This extension helps you spend less time watching wasteful videos on YouTube and as a result allows you to concentrate your attention on videos that bring tangible value to your life.

All you need to do is mark videos you visit as either "constructive" or a "time waster". After you have marked a couple of videos the extension will make it harder for you to watch videos which are similar to those you have marked as "time wasters".


本站是专业的Chrome插件下载网站,方便中国用户快速,安全的下载chrome插件。 内容来自互联网,所提供内容仅供学习使用,请勿做非法用途,不得以任何方式利用本网站提供内容直接或间接从事违反中国法律法规以及社会公德的行为。 若本站内容涉嫌侵犯他人知识产权或其他合法权益的内容,请及时联系我们,立即删除;本站尊重井保护所有用户的个人隐私权。