Life · My Thinking Corner

Our Times, Our Spirituality… Thoughts For Tuesday

Knowing Peace, Living Stress free, Spirituality

Our times are fraught with stress and quick-fixes. A fast-forward micro-waved lifestyle that’s corrosive. We may need to relearn how to enjoy life on the slow ‘cos life is not a drive-thru and you are not in competition with anyone but yourself.

Our lives should be a daily spiritual experience even in the mundaneness of it all. We must make concerted efforts to be in tune with our inner selves and this is not on an experience that can be placed on speed dial. It is a cultivated practice that doesn’t involve spending hundreds of hours in euphoric states of levitation.

Of course, there are times when we might experience a big spiritual AHA moment and there are incidents that may leave us in deep reflection and awe but at all times but as we go through the process of living life, our lives should be a reflection of certain things:

A Beacon of peace and humanity
A Testimony of faith and hope
A Source of Love, strength and goodwill
Of Mercy, laughter and joy (irrespective of the dark clouds that seek to hover).
Of acceptance and love of yourself so that you can be able to love someone else (if you have none, you can’t give any)
Of the goodness that you wish to see in the world.

There will always be two sides of everything; Light and Dark and this equally exists with spirituality. There is the Light side of spirituality and the Dark side of spirituality.

It is up to us to choose the path on which we wish to walk.



Where Do My Prayers Go?

Prayers, Poetry


My prayers,
you are stuck on the ceiling board.
I look up, intently at the white rectangles
eyeing the invisible patterns of my earnest supplications;
that never quite made it past my rooftop.

My prayers,
why are you not getting past the ceiling board?
Is it because in the midst of saying it
I was thinking what sauce I must make for the day
would meatballs or fried chicken
appeal more to my hungry fold?

My prayers,
why do you fail to soar
could it be that the landlords brick and mortar
are far too hard and impenetrable?
I must have a word with him
‘cos he needs to use heaven proof material.

My prayers,
once you leave the space in my heart
do you roam the void trying to fill the vacuum
or do you travel faster than the light of speed
heaven bound where Angels receive you
then file you away in ‘to do files’?

My prayers,
I have no idea where you go
no do I truly know where heaven is,
but what I know is that at some point in time
each word of prayer I ever offered
will be waiting there to meet with me.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

My Thinking Corner

Shaping The Mind – My Thinking Corner

When our mind is calm, our path looks clearer.

Mind, Inspiration, Thoughts, Shaping The Mind, Quotes, Life Lessons

In truth, when we make joy, prayer, giving thanks and kindness a way of life, we are able to handle life’s troubles with more courage, grace and inner peace that surpasses understanding. We are able to share and uplift those around us from a cup of fruitfulness.

This is not just from the mere standpoint of being a Christain and being in touch with yourself spiritually. Just as the powers of one’s body can be made stronger through gymnastics, exercises and healthy eating, the powers of the mind grow in strength and vigour from the training that it receives.

I can’t count how many times that my mind has strayed to things that don’t edify nor enrich my life, but I’ve also learnt to train it to identify triggers and tell it to stop. It may take time, but it’s possible.

In order to train our minds, we don’t need to wait till we can afford to pay gym subscriptions or for perfect conditions before we can start to practice. The power to transform our circumstance whether good or bad is within our grasp. Start today.


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Now Available



Featured Blogs · Share A Link

Featured Posts #63 …Share your post links.



Today’s featured blogs posts are:

Distance: There’s something fascinating about the train and the train tracks.

Turnaround: Not a situation any parent would love to find themselves in. Amunala’s story depicts the possible nightmare of many…

Letters of opportunity: A simple but great idea to work it, especially those who need some sort of motivation. I like this.

Monkey/chuen spiritual quickening: In Debra’s words quoted below:

Monkey is known to the Maya as the Weaver or Weaver of Time.

We are asked to look beyond the world’s definition of our worth and meaning. Everything in the world would tell us we are powerless – helpless to change the world. Monkey encourages us to believe in our own magic.

I find her articles fascinating. Take a look.

Rumors and gossips: A strong poem that depicts the loss and waste of a mind that idles. A goldmine gone down the drain!

Please do step in and show some love.

‘Do you want more eyes on your words?’

Well then, add your LINK INTO THIS LOOP.

P.S. Comments are disabled here to keep the loop tidy. Any comments or link you want to send can be added through the link in the post.

Thank you for your understanding and regards.

‘We create a cohesive community when we come together.’

P.S. You are invited to our monthly blog party this weekend. It’s fun and you get to meet fantastic folks:-)

Below is my first Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

Midnight motivation and musings

Midnight Motivations and Musings # 84…


We are all standard bearers, but the question one should always ask themselves is what standard am I bearing?

You are a source of inspiration, then again, what kind of inspiration might it be?

When we realize that we are called, not just to live and die in ignominy, but to live happily and to leave a legacy that will stand as a testament for our time spent here.

Enduring legacy goes far beyond material possessions, but legacies that embed in memories that even the passage of time doesn’t wash away.

If you think you can’t make a difference, you are so wrong. All the men and women who made a difference long before you and I, were mere mortals just like you and I.

You may only be in the position to do small things. Yes, do those small things with a big heart. Therein, lies the difference.

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

Below is my first just published Poetry Book “Out of the silent breath” which is available on Amazon and Smashwords.

When you buy my book, you support me in an invaluable manner.

Out of the silent breath

I hear you in my thoughts…

Your words of wisdom,

of love and encouragement…

They are etched upon my soul.

They keep me warm.


*an excerpt from my poem*

Midnight motivation and musings · Self Help

Midnight Motivations and Musings 58…


There are times that I have been asked how I can prove that there’s a God and I have always responded with the same quote above.

God is God all by Himself. I cannot limit him by trying to define him in the human context, neither can I constrain his Supreme presence because I seek for him to appear before me so that the doubting Thomases can believe that he exists.

I would rather believe deeply in God and live my life serving him through my fellowship with others than to spend a thousand years drifting in disbelief.

Every day, I see God. I see him in the gurgling laughter of a little child. I see him in the brilliance of the shining Sun, I see him in the birds that roam free and feed on the fat worms of the earth, I see him in the flowers that bloom in glorious colours, I see him in the love of my children and husband, I see him in everything that surrounds me.

Do you see God?

© Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha