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Helena: Oh, welcome, come in, please.
Jack: ______And here' s a small gift. Let me wish you happy every day.
Helena: Thank you. Oh, what a beautiful birthday card!
A.Many happy returns.
B.Enjoy yourself.
C.Hoping you'll be well soon!
D.I wish you the best of luck!

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  • It is implied that the process of aging is______.
    A.slower in a healthy man
    B.slower in a healthy woman
    C.at the same rate with men and women
    D.hard to compare in terms of sex

  • Then in June 1967 the country______diplomatic relations with Israel after the outbreak of the Six Day War.
    A.broke away
    B.broke off
    C.cut out
    D.cut down

  • What caused the delay in construction?
    A.The design of the building was unusual.
    B.The architect delayed construction.
    C.The construction crew caused the delay.
    D.The weather was extremely cold.

  • John: The radio' s terribly loud. Could you turn it down a little?
    Peter: Sorry! ______.
    John: Yes, and something else—wouldn't it be an idea to buy your own soap?
    A.A football match was broadcast live on it.
    B.I forgot where I put my soap this morning.
    C.Is it disturbing you?
    D.Could you repeat what you said?

  • Men are superior to women in the situation of ______.
    A.resisting cold
    B.standing hunger
    C.remaining energetic in old age
    D.climbing high

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