Thai sport is part of Thai culture which has been passed on from generation to generation.    Sporting activities of Thais blend well into their agricultural way of life.    It is another form of group relationship enhancement during the cultivating and harvesting periods. Thai sport is also a form of entertainment which takes place during religious and royal ceremonies and festivals.   Thais young and old come together to participate in exciting games which are oftentimes humorous.  Thai sport reflects the Thais' way of life and their intellectual subtlety.    It is a fine bond that has bound the Thai people through a long past until today. 
Thai Boxing (Muai Thai)  
        Thai boxing is an ancient martial art handed down from generation to generation.    The fights are commonly fierce and furious.  Thai boxing is unique in which combatants use elbows, knees and bare feet as  well as gloved fists.
    A good contest is decided by application of techniques rather than brute force.      There is a pre-fight "Wai Khru" rite with traditional Thai instruments, a Java pipe, double-ended drums and cymbals, providing musical accompaniment.    Mae Mai Muai Thai 
(types of blows) is an artful science requiring years of learning.  Often as entertaining as the action in the ring is the reaction of the spectators who yell and shout encouragement to the boxers as the excitement mounts. 
Sword & Pole Fighting (Fun Daab & Krabi Kra-bong 
        This martial art once formed part of medieval military training. Before fights, contestants perform a 'Wai Khru' rite with musical accompaniment.    Excitement comes from the clashing of weapons and the music.
Boat Racing (Kaeng Ruer 
        Boat racing dated from the Aytthaya period.    Races are commonly staged during the post-rainy season months of October and November, after Kathins and presenting fresh robes to Buddhist monks.  Boats are made 
from hardwood such as Takhian.    Coloured cloth tied to the boat prow honours the guardian spirit.     Each team consists of 8 t0 10 oarsmen and a heimsman (or more in long-tailed boat racing). 
Bull Fighting (Chon Wua 
        Bull fighting is popular in southern Thailand, and is believed to have been introduced by Portuguese traders during the Ayutthaya period. Contests are generally staged during local festivities.     Participants 
are carefully selected for their strength and skills.     The sight of bulls locking horns never fails to enthrall spectators. 
Kite Flying (Len Wow 
        Thais generally fly kites during the summer months of March through May.  Kites have been enjoyed since the 13th and 14th-century Sukhothai period.  The sport was probably most popular during the reign of King Rama IV (1851-1868), when people were granted royal permission to fly kites at Bangkok's Phra Men Ground next to the Grand Palace.    There are two types of kites, those designed for display, and those designed for fighting.    The latter types are the Pak-Pao and the Chula.
Thai Chess (Mak Ruk Thai) 
        Thai chess is believed to have originated from Indian chess, and may have been used to plan military strategies.    Thai chess requires a square board.     Opponents each have six types of chessmen:Khun (king), Khon, Met, Ma (horse), Rua (boat) and Bia (pawn). Players move the chessmen until the Khun of one player is "cornered". Thai chess provides intellectual pleasure, and sharpens rapid calculation and decision-making. 
Takro Lot Huang (Kicking a Rattan Ball)  
        This game is played during leisure time, the SongKran festival, ordination ceremonies and other festive occasions.      Styles of hitting the ball into the hoop are classified in three classes, namely the front hit, the side hit, and the rear hit.