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2015/1/21 19:01:35    

HighWire Press是提供免费全文的、全球最大的学术文献出版商之一,于1995年由美国斯坦福大学(Stanford University)图书馆创立。最初,仅出版著名的周刊“Journal of Biological Chemistry”,目前已收录电子期刊340多种,文章总数已达130多万篇,其中超过47万篇文章可免费获得全文;这些数据仍在不断增加。通过该界面还可以检索Medline收录的4500余种期刊中的1200多万篇文章,可看到文摘题录。HighWire Press收录的期刊覆盖以下学科:生命科学、医学、物理学、社会科学。

HighWire Press在线期刊主要具有以下特点:
1.提供免费全文文献的期刊。该链接下的页面列出了本站收录的所有可提供免费全文文献的期刊。在刊名后按“Free Issues”,“Free Trial”,“Free Site”标注着相应时间或其他,意义与前面介绍的相同。其中“Free Issues”栏中如标注的是某月,则表示每年在该月及以前的所有文献都免费提供全文。
4.提供需要付费的站点。列出需要收费提供全文文献的站点及其收费标准,有两种收费方式。“Pay-per-view Site”为在一段时间内获得使用某篇文献的权利;“Site Pass”为在一段时间内获得该刊所有文献的权利。

使用方法 对HighWire Press收录的期刊的检索有三种方式:
2.一般检索:可以输入作者、关键词、年、卷、页等限制进行检索,由于同时可以检索Medline数据库,所以同时需要选择是检索Medline还是HighWire-hosted journals。点击检索结果后的文摘、全文、期刊网站、引用图,可以分别获得文摘、全文(PDF格式)、该期刊的网站主页和该文被引用情况。
3.高级检索:可提供以下限制,比如年、卷、起始页、作者、起始年月、结果显示形式、匹配形式(最佳匹配、最新出版)、数据库(Medline、HighWire-hosted journals)等。


A leading ePublishing platform, HighWire Press partners with independent scholarly publishers, societies, associations, and university presses to facilitate the digital dissemination of more than 3000 journals, books, reference works, and proceedings. HighWire also offers a complete manuscript submission, tracking, peer review, and publishing system for journal editors, Bench>Press. HighWire provides outstanding technology and support services, and fosters a dynamic and innovative community, enhancing the strengths of each of its members. HighWire plays a unique role in the online publishing business: affiliated with an academic library, a first-class research institution, and partner and colleague to scholarly societies who value the high quality and content of their journals, books and other materials. By working with HighWire, publishers gain the economies of scale and networking opportunities of working collaboratively in their business technology.

HighWire has been affiliated with Stanford University since 1995, with the launch of the Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC Online). Science, the Journal of Neuroscience, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) soon joined with HighWire to become pioneers who defined today's online journal. HighWire quickly became known for combining cutting-edge technology with long-term organizational stability and has maintained a leadership position in the industry ever since.


Librarians and other information professionals routinely praise our highly intuitive management tools for their online subscriptions and reports. The HighWire portal provides a centralized interface for administrators to manage their accounts across HighWire-hosted publications. While HighWire is neither an aggregator nor sales agent, the HighWire portal increases the visibility of partner publishers and their publications for librarians and their patrons.


The users of HighWire-hosted publications include researchers, clinicians, scholars, and students seeking the best online research from a vast database of full-text scholarly, high-impact materials. The HighWire portal offers advanced searching and browsing capabilities and tools, creating an alternative means to find and make sense of information from over seven million full-text articles; create keyword, citation or author alerts; and download citations across all the content HighWire hosts. Coming Summer 2014, HighWire will be launching an innovative new tool, eStacks, for researchers to collect, organize, and share the scholarly content that is meaningful to them.

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