魔兽世界 > 快讯 > 正文


10-03-16 52pk整理




  Slogra: Vurtne, you said you prefer TBC than Wotlk, if you still want to experience those “good old days” in BC,(such as playing the same content over past 2 years) welcome to China and welcome to the World of box and World of zombies!! So would you be interested to try it out? lol

  Vurtne: Level 60-69 was good though, but I don’t miss TBC at all, but I love the Cwower’s animations, they're hilarious.




  Slogra: Well. Its time to end this interview, Thank you so much for your time Vurtne! And do you have a message for Chinese players?:D

  Vurtne: Well..Nothing really, I don’t wanna write some guys little speech here. But just saying, arena Raiting/raiding doesn’t impress anyone so it's a complete waste of time to play games all night. Gamers lack way to much sleep and that's just as stupid as any other bad habit. If people are so well educated they pretend to be, why don’t they use the knowledge they learn in school in real life?

  And least I create movies because its fun and i hope people enjoy watching the stuff I make. But my goal isn’t to make people addicted, or even start playing at all. Sometimes people write "I play wow because of you" and I think that's a bit insulting.

  Slogra: V大,十分感谢你抽出时间来接受我们的专访,希望你在游戏和生活中都能愉快!

  Slogra: Vurtne, Thank you so much for the interview! We wish you all the best!


