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The Cheapest Perth to Chennai Flights.

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Prices are from searches made in the last 24 hours and current prices may differ.

Do you need to catch a flight to Perth? Check out our domestic flights to Perth. If Perth is not your closest airport, then here are all our flights to Chennai from Australia and flights to India.

Did you know...

  • Perth has the International Air Transport Association (IATA) airport code of PER.
  • has the quickest flight from Perth to Madras at 21 hrs 45 mins. Stopping over at Kuala Lumpur
  • Madras is 2 hours and 30 minutes behind Perth.
  • The distance between Madras and Perth is 6,282 kilometres.

Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest month to fly to Chennai from Perth?

Right now, the lowest-price time of year to travel to Chennai from Perth is December/2023.

What airlines fly non-stop to Chennai from Perth?

Singapore Airlines fly direct between Perth and Chennai.

What is the cheapest airline to fly from Perth to Chennai?

The cheapest airline to fly to Chennai from Perth is Malindo Air.

What is the best airline to fly to Chennai from Perth?

Singapore Airlines is the best airline to fly to Chennai from Perth and it has direct flights. AirAsia is the best low-cost airline.

How to get from Perth to Chennai
Perth (PER)
Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
5h 40m
Layover - 2h 30m
Kuala Lumpur (KUL)
Madras (MAA)
3h 40m