• 使感到舒适和睦

    A home should be comfortable and friendly.


  • 这些经常欧洲探险建立密切工作关系

    These individuals often forged close working relationships with European explorers.


  • 因纽特为了准备他们夏季狩猎营地而着雪地摩托外出,结果发现早期解冻之后他们泥浆海洋切断的联系。

    Inuit families going off on snowmobiles to prepare their summer hunting camps have found themselves cut off from home by a sea of mud, following early thaws.


  • 一项附随调查350中,有近40%的表示他们曾经艺术合作过几乎所有表示他们考虑在未来这样

    Nearly 40% of the roughly 350 people who responded to an accompanying poll said, they had collaborated with artists; and almost all said they would consider doing so in future.


  • 所有一切不确定性无知已经使投资者企业脱离了他们正常运作所需的环境因素。唯有这些我们摆脱目前这种混乱

    All this uncertainty and ignorance have left investors and entrepreneurs - the only people who can get us out of this mess - unhinged from the normal parameters with which they operate.


  • 那些从不上网的隔壁同龄相比,那些卧室里,好几小时挂在社交网站上的女孩子学校的表现并不更好不论是当下还是今后。

    The girl who spends hours in her bedroom on a social networking site may not do better at school, either now or subsequently, compared with the girl next door who never goes online at home.


  • 这个理念首次哈佛商业评论篇文章提出后来扩展哈默詹姆斯钱皮——咨询公司CSC指数创始共同撰写本书

    The idea, first propounded in an article in Harvard Business Review, was later expanded into a book that Hammer wrote with James Champy, the founder of CSC Index, a consulting firm.


  • 今天早上朋友一起了早饭,投的合伙,我已经和他的公司合作过了。

    I had breakfast this morning with a friend who is a partner at a VC firm I've worked with a few times.


  • 哥哥到达时了手;杰迈因则下车窗,向迈迷们挥手致意。之后,豪华车队离开了墓园。

    Brother Tito shook hands with fans as he arrived, and brother Jermaine rolled down a window and waved as the family left in a fleet of luxury vehicles.


  • 作为这部新片制作演员慈善劳尔茱莉娅·列维声称这些即将公开的文件证明玛雅外星有过接触

    Actor and philanthropist Raul Julia-Levy, producer of the new documentary, has made claims that these newly released documents will prove that the Maya had contact with extraterrestrials.


  • 表面上普通生活,可12就离开父母弟弟丹尼尔祖父母在一起。

    While seemingly having a normal life, at the age of 12 Burton left his parents and younger brother, Daniel, in order to live with his grandmother.


  • 两个星期之后饥饿疲惫来到了辛辛那提州在那儿他们地下铁路成员取得了联系

    Two weeks later, starving and exhausted, the family reached Cincinnati, where they made contact with members of the Underground Railroad.


  • 还就是有一企业乔布斯十分相像,他自力更生加州,所经营的业务乔布斯的苹果公司也有相似的地方科技自由艺术的有机结合。

    The entrepreneur who Jobs resembles most is another self-made Californian whose business stood where Jobs has often said Apple's does: at the intersection of technology and the liberal arts.


  • 网络公司中间身份安排信息公司。它通过连接经纪对冲基金交易者寻找优势

    Expert networks are firms that broker information by connecting corporate insiders with hedge funds and traders looking for an edge.


  • 银行四月份倒闭,这共和党战略们欢欣心惊并存,五味杂陈一体。

    In April the bank collapsed, an event that filled Republican strategists with mingled glee and horror.


  • 两个食品工业分析协商得出了一个结论——很少提高餐厅炊事效率

    The duo consulted with fast food industry analysts and came to the conclusion that not much could be done to improve the efficiency of the restaurant kitchens themselves.


  • 此外拍卖行下了相当大功夫使自己转型为经纪,因而汇聚

    In addition, both auction houses have put considerable effort into becoming brokers, putting together buyers and sellers.


  • 活检结果良性的,我们颔首称庆——要不是运气好,这该第二次乳腺癌抗争了

    My entire family rejoiced when her biopsy results came back benignbut had she not been so fortunate this would have been her second battle with breast cancer.


  • 托尔斯泰的<战争和平>,熄了,艾穆德·维尔甚这位美国批评觉得卧室里仿佛挤满了”,心情迟迟无法平静.

    ON SWITCHING off the light after reading “War and Peace”, Edmund Wilson, an American critic, would find his bedroom magicallyfull of people”.


  • 弗兰科证明自己能力扮演感情激昂性格内向艺术形象,这些寻常社会格格不入,却又英年早逝。

    So the man has proven his ability to play an emotionally tumultuous, introverted artist who was eccentric in life and died young.


  • 辅导员可以提供宝贵的支持指导然而对于许多企业而言找到好的指导非常不易。

    Mentors provide invaluable support and advice, but for too many entrepreneurs, good mentors are hard to find.


  • 年前,施密特创办了一海洋研究慷慨捐赠丹麦公司最后幸运嘉士伯啤酒厂继承订婚

    A year earlier Schmidt had made what would end up being an auspicious betrothal to the heiress of the Carlsberg Brewery, a Danish company that donated generously to Marine research.


  • 钱德先生本书中将其论据围绕身上,因为认为这些在促成全球的相互联系的过程中付出得最多。 这些分别是贸易商传教士、冒险战士

    Mr Chanda organises his argument around what he takes to be the four groups that have done most to bring about this interconnectedness: traders, preachers, adventurers and warriors.


  • 钱德先生本书中将其论据围绕身上,因为认为这些在促成全球的相互联系的过程中付出得最多。 这些分别是贸易商传教士、冒险战士

    Mr Chanda organises his argument around what he takes to be the four groups that have done most to bring about this interconnectedness: traders, preachers, adventurers and warriors.


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