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雅思口语话题解析:Describe a news story

雅思口语话题解析:Describe a news story

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  雅思口语话题解析:Describe a news story

  Describe a news story that made you feel happy.


  - Say what it was and when it happened

  - Say why it happened, where it happened and who was there

  - Say what happened

  - Say why the event was special and how you feel/felt about it


  I recently read a news story on New York Times Online about a 19-year old American criminal nicknamed the “barefoot bandit.” In essence, the article told the adventuresome tale of a young man who, although criminal, was largely viewed as a hero for his daring feats. One of his most incredible antics was flying and crash landing a stolen airplane cross-country without any formal flight training. In fact he did this on three separate occasions. At the end of his run, which lasted over two years, federal authorities caught the ‘barefoot bandit’ in a high speed boat chase. I imagine I enjoyed the article so much because it is something exciting and different that doesn’t normally make news. Perhaps best of all, published photographs of the arrest show that the barefoot bandit was still barefoot at the time of his capture.



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