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Old couple at Mcdonald's A little old couple walked slowly into McDonald's one cold winter evening.They looked out of place amid the Voung families and young couples eating there that night. Some of the customers looked admiringly at them.You could tell what the admirers were thinking."Look,there is a couple who has been through a lot together,probably for 60 years or more!" The little old man walked right up to the cash register,placed his order with no hesitation and then paid for their meal. The couple took a table near the back wall and started taking food off the tray(盘子).There was one hamburger,one order of French fries(薯条)and one drink,The little old man unwrapped the plain hamburge and carefully cut it in half.He placed one half in front of hiS wife.Then he carefully counted out the French fries,divided them in two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife.He took a sip of the drink,his wife took a sip and then set the cup down between them. As the man began to eat his few bites(吃几口)of hamburger the crowd began to get restless(不平静).Again you could telI what they were thinking,"That poor old couple.AIl they can afford is one meal for the two of them." As the man began to eat his French fries one young man stood and came over to the oId couple's table.He politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple to eat.The old man replied that they were just fine.They were used to sharing everything.Then the crowd noticed that the little old lady hadn't eaten a bite.She just sat there watching her husband eat and occasionaIIy take turns(轮次)sipping the drink. Again the young man came over and begged them to let him buy them something to eat。This time the lady explained that,no,they were used to sharing everything together. As the little old man finished eating and was wiping his face neatly with a napkin the young man couId stand it no longer.Again he came over tO the table and offered to buy some food. After being politely refused again,he finally asked a question of the little oId lady."Ma'am,why aren't you eating? You said that you share everything。What is it that you are waiting for?" She answered,"The teeth".


麦当劳的一对老夫妇 一个冬天的傍晚,麦当劳来了一对步履蹒跚的老夫妇。对比店里那些充满活力的年轻人,他们显得有来自些格格不入。 有些人注意到这对老夫妇,不由露出羡慕的眼光。他们不由在想:“哇,这对老夫妇结婚该有60多年了吧?肯定一起走过了360问答无数的风风雨雨!” 对尽老头径直走到柜台前,点了非话给些形省氧农背餐交了钱,然后两人找了张技十目司头依角落里的桌子坐了下来。他们只点了一个汉堡、一份薯条和一杯饮料。老头打开汉堡,小心地把它掰成了两半,然后把一半放到老令统接凯士城领太太面前。接着他又认真的数了数薯条,把它们分成整齐的两小堆。老头喝一口饮料,然后老太太喝一口,杯子又放回两人中间。 底马衡纸老头开始吃他那一小块半份的汉堡。此时,周围的人们究宗助王该八烟伟悄悄议论起来,“太可怜了!两个人吃一份东西。” 老头又开始吃他那半份薯条。一个年轻人忍不住走了过去,很礼貌地说要请他们再吃一份。老头谢了年轻人,说他们夫妻习惯了什么都共用一份。奇怪的是,人们发现老太太至今一口东西也还没吃。她就是坐在那儿看着丈夫吃,轮到她了就喝口饮料。 年轻人又忍不住走过去请求他们让自己请客。这次老太太说话了,还是说他们夫妻习惯了什么都共用一份。 老头终于吃完了东西,开始很绅士地拿餐巾擦嘴。年轻人再次忍不住走过去说要请他们吃东西。 老夫妇仍然婉拒了他的好意,这时道降略,年轻人问出了大家都想问的问题:“大妈,您怎么不吃呢?您说你们习惯了什么都共用一份,那您怎么还不吃您那份呢?” “我等着他的牙呢。”老太太答


