英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 20:49:26



英 [ˈpæntəmaɪm]

美 [ˈpæntəˌmaɪm]



形容词: pantomimic 名词: pantomimist 过去式: pantomimed 过去分词: pantomimed 现在分词: pantomiming 第三人称单数: pantomimes

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  • 哑剧
  • 童话剧
  • 手势
  • 哑剧演员
  • 示意的动作
  • 表意动作
  • 默剧
  • 滑稽可笑的局面
  • 姿势
  • 舞剧
  • 面部和身体的表意动作
  • 哑剧技艺
  • 用手势传达
  • 用手势示意
  • 演哑剧
  • 打手势
  • 哑剧的
  • 象哑剧的


1. a performance using gestures and body movements without words

Synonym: mimedumb show


1. act out without words but with gestures and bodily movements only

e.g. The acting students mimed eating an apple

Synonym: mime

1. 圣诞童话剧
A pantomime is a funny musical play for children. Pantomimes are usually based on fairy stories and are performed at Christmas.


2. 圣诞童话剧演出
Pantomime is the form of entertainment which involves producing a pantomime.

e.g. What she does very well is pantomime...
e.g. He is currently starring in pantomime in Weston-super-Mare.

3. 哑剧
Pantomime is acting something out without speaking.

e.g. Chaplin feared that the art of pantomime was under threat.

4. 闹剧;(行为的)滑稽愚蠢
If you say that a situation or a person's behaviour is a pantomime, you mean that it is silly or exaggerated and that there is something false about it.

e.g. They were made welcome with the usual pantomime of exaggerated smiles and gestures...
e.g. The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill.

1. 哑剧:德布西早在一八八二年即谱了魏尔仑的、、(Fantoches)、及(Pantomime)等,前三首后来在一八九一年又重谱了一次,即是我们今日听到的<>(Fêtes gallantes)第一集.

2. 圣诞童话闹剧:为了庆祝圣诞节所装饰的房子(英国西南部)圣诞拉炮(Christmas cracker)是一种庆祝圣诞节不可或缺的形式 而圣诞童话闹剧(pantomime)更是风行於年轻的家庭中.

3. 童话剧:圣诞童话剧(pantomime)本来就是演员与台下儿童观众互动的一种戏剧表演,这场戏台下只有九名观众,因此得到演员更多的精神注意力. 如欲取得最佳浏览效果,请使用最新的、使用串联样式表(CSS)的浏览器. 虽然你可以使用目前的浏览器浏览网站,

  • 经典引文

  • The annual pantomime..opens on boxing day.

    出自:Times Literary Supplement
  • Last Christmas he was back on stage in pantomime in Manchester.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

She handled their crops, and knew what they had eaten; her face enacted a vivid pantomime of the criticisms passing in her mind.(她摸摸它们的嗉囊,就能知道它们吃了什么;她的脸扮演的是一出生动的哑剧,内心流露的种种批评都从脸上显现出来。)
It was a small part of the pantomime.(它是哑剧中的小角色。)
But the debate quickly drifted into pantomime.(但是对此的争议很快就转化为一出哑剧。)
I know the pantomime to which you're referring, it was really amusing.(我知道你所指的那个哑剧,它非常具有娱乐性。)
Every day along the world's busiest border, an expensive and time-consuming pantomime is acted out.(在这个世界上最繁忙的边境地区,每天都在上演着一场昂贵又费时的哑剧。)
The Christmas carol and pantomime scenes were filmed in Wetherby town centre.(圣诞颂歌和舞剧那部分场景是在威瑟比镇中心拍摄完成的。)
To learn how to rotate an object mentally, firsttry a pantomime.(想在心里旋转一个物体,要首先试着比划。)
Unrequited love is successful pantomime, say it is a tragedy!(暗恋是成功的哑剧,说出来就成了悲剧!)
Before this I saw The Witches, a pantomime, I felt composed, serene, happy.(在这之前我还看了哑剧《女巫》。今天我感觉很沉静、很安详、很快乐。)
The audience roared with laughter at the pantomime.(观众被这哑剧逗得哈哈大笑。)
pantomime是什么意思 pantomime在线翻译 pantomime什么意思 pantomime的意思 pantomime的翻译 pantomime的解释 pantomime的发音 pantomime的同义词