Board Swiper

Board Swiper 最新

5 无障碍 22用户 V1.2.2.3版本 2021年12月17日
将下载的 **.crx 文件改名为 **.zip 将**.zip解压到文件夹 进入chrome插件管理界面(在chrome浏览器网址栏输入地址:chrome://extensions/) 勾选开发者模式,并选择加载已解压的拓展程序 选择第二步解压的文件夹即可
Board Swiper 1
Board Swiper 2
Board Swiper 3
Board Swiper 4


An extension helping user go to next or previous page on a board

It's an extension which help users to move previous page or next page by holding left mouse button + drag mouse + releasing the mouse button.

There are websites which services forums online. When entering a post on the board then you must have previous title or next post on the current post. If you enjoy to enter every posts by orders then clicking a previous or next post could be boring and tiring. And Board Swiper helps kind of uncomfortable situations.

Listed website supported: - - - - - - -

Just install this extension and enter a post on any board of forums. After reading the post and just hold left mouse button and drag mouse to right or left and then release the mouse button. Then there will be a small box filled with previous or next post's title and you can just move the mouse cursor over the box. Then you enter the previous or next post by the extension.

(To each forums the options could be different, so the extension wouldn't work. The forum or board must show posts' list on a post opened.)

The principle to run the extension 1. Click and enter the post on a forum. 2. After reading the post hold mouse left button, drag left or right and then release the mouse button. 3. A small box filled with previous or next post's title will shows near the cursor. 4. Move your mouse cursor over the box. 5. Then the extension let the page move to previous or next post.

The condition to run the extension 1. There is a board on a forum. 2. There are lists on a post which has current post's title and others. 3. The lists are ordered by time.

Forums which the extension can't help 1. Galleries which shows pictures. 2. Forums which don't show post lists on a post.

If you have any question or found bugs then please send me an email to


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