dqyq88053 2016-02-02 14:01
浏览 170

Google Search Console API上的quotaExceeded 403错误

I am using Google's php client library to add sites(urls) to my search console account. After 1000 urls, I am getting 403 client errors saying the quota is exceeded.

My quota in the search console account is 2000requests/ 100seconds/ user. I am giving some delay between the requests so I wont hit the quota limit. I used batch request to submit the urls. Whatever the delay between the batch requests, I am getting quotaExceeded errors after 1000 url submissions.

How to solve this ?

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  • douaoren4402 2016-02-16 14:11

    I was using the add site api for the wrong purpose. Add sites is to the domain url not a page url. We can add the page urls to crawl from the search console web user interface but its different from the add sites.

    May be, to have more than 1000 domains is an error.




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