1. 顺便问一句,你听说过休的事了吗?
Incidentally, have you heard the news about Sue?


2. 我回家时顺便要去药店一趟。
I'll call in at the chemist's on my way home.


3. 那只是顺便提到的评论,他没有展开。
It was just a passing comment, he didn't expand.


4. 顺便问一句,几点钟了?
What's the time, by the way?


5. 顺便提一下,我找到了你在寻找的那本书。
By the way, I found that book you were looking for.


6. 军队只是顺便被谈及。
The army is only mentioned in passing.


7. 顺便说一下,我今天穿着两只不成对儿的袜子。
I'm wearing odd socks today by the way.


8. “我没有叫你来。顺便问一下,你为什么来呢?”
"I didn't ask you to come. Incidentally, why have you come?"


9. 我想我要在下班回家的路上顺便看望一下我的父母。
I think I'll look in on my parents on the way home from work.


10. 顺便提一下,Latifah这个名字有“精致”之意。
The name Latifah, by the way, means "delicate."


11. 顺便提一句,有个消息灵通的人告诉我你的生日快到了。
Incidentally, a little bird tells me that your birthday's coming up.


12. 你忘了拿你的短上衣,不过我可以在明天上班的路上顺便捎给你。
You left your jacket, but I can drop it off on my way to work tomorrow.


13. 顺便说一下,别忘了今晚的派对。
By the way, don't forget the party tonight.


14. 顺便问一下,芭尔蓓,你要去哪儿?
By the way, Barbara, where are you going?


15. 顺便问一下,你的会计知识怎么样?
By the way, how is your knowledge of accountancy?


16. 顺便问一下,房间里有梳妆台吗?
By the way, is there a dressing table in the room?


17. 顺便问一下,期末考试是什么时候?
By the way, when is the final exam?


18. 顺便告诉你,我要去食品店。
By the way, I'm going to the grocery store.


19. 顺便问一下,你在哪里买的这些筷子?
By the way, where did you buy those chopsticks?


20. 顺便说一句,农历新年好!
Happy Lunar New Year, by the way.


21. 他说:“顺便说一下,我叫布莱恩·安德森。”
"By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson," he said.


22. 你下次进城顺便来看看我好吗?
Why don't you look in on me next time you're in town?


23. 信的结尾顺便附了一句抱歉的话。
An apology was tagged onto the end of the letter.


24. 你顺便从干洗店取我的西装了吗?
Did you pick up my suit from the cleaner's?


25. 我曾想路过时顺便来看看你。
I thought I'd drop in on you while I was passing.


26. 也许我会顺便去趟那家医院。
Perhaps I'll stop by the hospital.


27. 我可以顺便看望一下萨姆吗?
Could I look in on Sam?


28. 她旅居墨西哥时顺便学会了西班牙语。
She picked up Spanish when she was living in Mexico.


29. 顺便提一句,这台机器简直太了不起了。
BTW, the machine is simply amazing.


30. 我用车顺便送你去车站。
I'll give you a lift to the station.
