张福才博士目前在深圳南方科技大学电子与电气工程系任职副教授,他于2004年获得日本群马大学博士学位,1998年和1994年获得华北电力大学硕士和工学学士学位。在入职南方科技大学之前,他曾经在英国伦敦大学学院的伦敦纳米中心,谢菲尔德大学做高级研究助理,研究助理 (2007-2012);在德国斯图加特大学应用光学所(ITO) 做Staff Scientist (2004-2007). 张福才博士主要从事计算成像,相干衍射成像,全息术等领域的研究。针对成像中的相位问题提出了波前调制的实验方法。 发表文章40多篇,包括Nature Communications。2001-2004获日本文部省奖学金。2018入选深圳市孔雀计划B类人才。


1.  2001/4 - 2004/09,  日本群马大学, 电子信息技术, 博士, 导师: 山口一郎 (Prof. Ichirou Yamaguchi)

2. 1995/9 - 1998/05, 华北电力大学, 电气工程, 硕士

3. 1990 - 1994,华北电力学院, 通信工程,学士


2017 至今 南方科技大学电子与电气工程系, 副教授

2011-2017 英国伦敦大学学院、伦敦纳米中心, 高级助理研究员

2007-2011 英国谢菲尔德大学, 助理研究员

2004-2007 德国斯图加特大学, 科学家

1994-2000 华北电力大学助教、讲师




1. S. Gao, P. Wang*, F. Zhang*, G. Martinez, P. Nellist, X. Pan, A. Kirkland, “Electron ptychographic microscopy for three-dimensional imaging”, Nature Commun, 8:163, 2017
2. P. Wang*, F. Zhang*, S. Gao, H. Sawada, A. Kirkland, “Electron Ptychographic DiffractiveImaging of Boron Atoms in LaB6Crystals”, Scientific Reports, 7:2857 (2017).
3. M. Yusuf*, F. Zhang*, B. Chen, A. Bhartiya, K.Cunnea, U. Wagner, F. Cacho-Nerin, J. Schwenke and I. Robinson, “Procedures for cryogenic X-ray ptychographic imaging of biological samples”IUCrJ 4, 147-151 (2017)
4. F. Zhang*, B. Chen, M. Graeme, J. V. Comamala, M. Guizar-Sicairos, I. Robinson, “Phase retrieval by Coherent Modulation Imaging”, Nature Commun. 7:13367(2016), DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13367
5. F. Zhang*, I. Peterson, J. Comamala, A. Diaz, F. Berenguer, R. Bean, B. Chen, A. Menzel, I. Robinson, J. Rodenburg “Translation position determination in ptychographic coherent diffraction imaging”, Optics Express, 21, 13592 (2013).
6. F. Zhang, J. M. Rodenburg, “Phase retrieval based on wave-front relay and modulation” Phys. Rev. B (Rapid communication) 82, 121104 (2010)
7. C. Kohler, F. Zhang*, and W. Osten, “Characterization of a spatial light modulator and its application in phase retrieval,” Appl. Opt.48, 4003-4008 (2009)
8. P. Bao, F. Zhang*, G. Pedrini, and W. Osten, "Phase retrieval using multiple illumination wavelengths," Opt. Lett. 33, 309-311 (2008)
9.  F. Zhang*, G. Pedrini, W. Osten “Phase retrieval of arbitrary complex-valued fields through aperture plane modulation”, Phys. Rev. A. 75, 043805 (2007).
10. F. Zhang*, G. Pedrini, and W. Osten, "Reconstruction algorithm for high-numerical-aperture holograms with diffraction-limited resolution," Opt. Lett. 31, 1633-1635 (2006)
11. F. Zhang*, I. Yamaguchi, and L. P. Yaroslavsky, "Algorithm for reconstruction of digital holograms with adjustable magnification," Opt. Lett. 29, 1668-1670 (2004)
12. Y. Li, F. Zhang, and T. Yoshino “Wide-range temperature dependence of Brillouin shift in a dispersion-shifted fibre and its annealing effect,” J. Lightwave Technol., 21, 1663 (2003).


1. Fucai Zhang, "Method and apparatus for retrieving a phase of a wavefield", WO2011033287
2. Fucai Zhang, “Method and Apparatus for Position Determination”, US9618332B2

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