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QUEENS TECH MEETUP TMRW! | HandyBook, Dentity, ListenLoop, LawTrades, Peeko

From: Aaron Christopher C.
Sent on: Monday, June 23, 2014, 9:37 PM

Join us tomorrow evening at the C4QX coworking space inside the Falchi Building in Long Island City for the June 2014 Queens Tech Meetup!

Find a lawyer and book online.

Peeko helps you find the latest deals and selections at stores near you.

Your perfect group directory.

Agile customer conversation.

Home cleaning and home services booked instantly.


Special thanks to our Presenting Sponsors Verizon Wireless and Covington LLP.

Additional thanks to our Sustaining Sponsors Softlayer, Plaxall, and ShayCPA.

Queens Tech Meetup proudly serves Singlecut beer, proudly brewed in Queens.


Apply to demo:

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Questions? Email Aaron Cohen at [masked].

Queens Tech Meetup is a program of Coalition for Queens, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit dedicated to fostering tech innovation in America's most diverse community, Queens NYC.

For more information, go to


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