FEBRUARY 21-23, 2025
Dear Phinizy Cousins,
Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing everyone in Augusta, Georgia the weekend of February 21-23, for the Phinizy Family Reunion 2025. If you have not already, please review the weekend itinerary, submit your registration and arrange your travel accommodations. Registration will close January 31, 2025.
What you need to know:
Most importantly, review the schedule, send in your registration and make your hotel reservations. We have decided to offer a flat fee ($350 per person) for the weekend which will include Friday night dinner, admission to Phinizy Swamp, Saturday morning box lunch, Saturday afternoon canal boat ride, Saturday night dinner and Sunday breakfast. The flat fee for Phinizy cousins 21 or under is ($175 per person) and that includes Friday night dinner, admission to Phinizy Swamp, Saturday morning box lunch, Saturday afternoon canal boat ride, Saturday night dinner and Sunday breakfast. Payment may be made by venmo or mailing a check to:
Please return this registration form by email ( and make your payment for the event as soon as possible. We are offering two options for payment as outlined below:
VENMO: @Clay-Boardman
Please include reference “Phinizy Family Reunion” and your name.
CHECK: make payable to: Phinizy Phamily Phund
and mail to:
Clay Boardman - Phinizy
c/o The Vireo Group
PO Box 1211
Augusta, GA 30903
*** Very Important!!! We again would like to ask pholks to consider making voluntary donations to the “Phund” to help cover the cost of postage, the phamily database, decorations, catering costs etc. These Phund donations make it possible for us to keep our prices reasonable and still break even.
We have two hotel blocks for PHINGUSTA: The Partridge Inn in historic Summerville and The Hyatt House located in downtown Augusta. Please visit the accommodations page for details on how to book these blocks.
Dress is casual for all of our events. We encourage everyone to wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes to Phinizy Swamp. Admission for Phinizy Swamp and the canal boat tour are included in the flat fee.
Counting down the days until we are all in Augusta together. If you have questions or concerns regarding Phingusta please email Carol Palmer:
Your 2024 Phinizy family reunion committee
Clay Boardman, Mary Hull Crawford, Bert and Lauren Gary, Carol Palmer, Jay Phinizy, Laura Phinizy, Louise Phinizy, Phillip and Betty Stacy, John Spalding, Julie Taylor and Mary Porter Vann