China Journal of Accounting Studies, Accounting and Finance, Financial Innovation,会计研究,管理评论,南大商学评论等。 个人主页: 研究方...
英文主页: 更新日期:2020年12月 工作经历 2020年11月 - 至今... Ziqiu Ye, “Open access mandate and journal intrinsic quality: effects of author taste res... 小编发现Weebly网站非常受用户欢迎,请访问Weebly网址入口试用。 收录说明: 1、本网页并非Weebly官网网址页面,此页面内容编录于互联网,只作展示...
Journal of Music and Dance, 4(3), Article 3. American Educational Research Journal, 54(3), 399–443.
specific fields of content from web pages. They basically do harvesting, capturing and ga... or run automatically at scheduled intervals. It is freely available under the GNU GPL and ...
728–735 Contents lists available ScienceDirectJournal HazardousMaterials ournal hom... 于2016-04-21 00:07:10.0 Journal of Hazardous Materials - Weebly 更多 相关文档